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Your Horoscope This Week — Aug 14 2016

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Love, lust, and libidinous exchanges: Intensity is in the air this week as magnetic and seductive Pluto sends a naughty snap to romantic Venus. What starts as an innocent flirtation could quickly evolve into nights of unbridled passion. With both planets parked in earth signs, there's a good chance that feelings will linger for longer than a mere 24 hours. Hey, who says true love can't start with a bang? (Er...sorry.) But with that in mind, steer clear of any complicated entanglements. If there's a tan line on that ring finger, run (don't walk!) in the opposite direction.

On Thursday, 2016's only full moon in Aquarius electrifies the skies and makes the weird just plain wondrous. (Is that a unicorn flying by, or are you just happy to see us?) Originality is the order of the day, so feel free to let your freak flag fly proudly this week. Aquarius is the governess of technology and community. If you and your friends keep peppering conversations with, "That would make an amazing app!" consider the possibility of actually developing those digital dreams. No, you don't have to invent the next Pokémon Go, just something practical that makes people feel more connected. Or simply pick up the entertainment director's baton IRL. The community spirit is alive under these moonbeams, reminding us that the more we get together, the happier we'll be.


July 23 to August 22

Turn on your love light, Leo. Thursday's full moon in Aquarius rocks your relationship house, helping you lock things down in a legit way. No more pretending you're only half-interested or waiting for your crush to 'fess up first. Lean in to your innate courage and let your feelings be known. No harm can come of it! If you find out that the attraction isn't reciprocal, you'll be free to move on. But odds are high that the chemistry is mutual. Already attached? Nudge your relationship to the next level or join forces on a collaborative venture. Two is your magic number in all realms of life. A business partnership could go platinum over the coming two weeks.

Has your inner pilot light been a little dim? On Wednesday, radiant Venus and transformational Pluto sync up in your wellness sectors, sounding the call for self-care. Replace the curly fries with clean, green fare and make sure you're getting ample shut-eye. Moving your body immediately improves your posture and makes you look (and feel) like the confident badass you were born to be, Leo. Try this 30-day shoulder challenge to get Mobama fierce.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Ready, set, organize! Thursday's full moon in Aquarius puts you in your efficiency-loving element. You've had a social summer and we wouldn't be surprised if life's gotten a wee bit, uh, scattered. And with your collector's eye, you’re as much of a pack rat as you are a neat freak. It's time to downsize and sort. News about a work situation could come near this full moon, too. Circulate your résumé, ping people on LinkedIn, and find out what growth opportunities exist at your current place of employment. Within two weeks of the full moon, you could have happy news to share.

Romantically, there's plenty bubbling this week, too. On Wednesday, celestial seducer Pluto sends a sexy snap to amorous Venus in Virgo. Let your passionate side out to play and be bold! Fess up to an attraction — it could turn out favorably. That said, don't be surprised if you find out that someone's been harboring a more-than-just-friends feeling towards you. Coupled Virgos, push the envelope with some sultry experimentation and even a dash of "yes, we're together" PDA.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Ta-da! With Thursday’s full moon in your theatrical fifth house, the performer in you is ready to take center stage. Maybe you'd rather let your work speak for itself? Either way, the time has come for your big reveal. With all eyes on you, make sure to leave the house "camera-ready" this week. These glamorous moonbeams can help you refresh your style profile, even if you're just dressing up a pair of high-waisted jeans. Romantically, this full moon will bring a generous dash of passion. Take the lead in love, Libra, fearlessly baring your soul and spelling out your desires to you S.O. Proposals, pregnancies, and other propositions could be on the table this week. If you're ready to take the next step with bae, luna helps you leap.

Your heartstrings get a tug midweek, too, when your cosmic ruler, compassionate Venus, gets a love note from soulful Pluto. Nothing wrong with letting people see your softer side, Libra. If you've been hanging on to a grudge, you may be moved to extend the olive branch. Resentment only winds up hurting you in the end, so if nothing else, take that painful subject off the table — and remove the toxic person from your feed — so you can focus on happier times.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Does Chez Scorpio feel like a sacred oasis — or just a pit stop between work life and social functions? This Thursday's full moon in Aquarius lights up your domestic zone and helps you make your house feel more like a home. Aquarius energy is both spiritual and social: You need your space to feel like a hybrid of a meditative retreat center and an adorable, artsy gathering spot for your squad. Family matters fall under this full moon's spell, too. If you've been butting heads with a relative or a female friend who feels like kin, you could hash it out (and hopefully hug it out) before the weekend.

Difficult conversations will be easier to have this week, thanks to a cooperative alignment between diplomatic Venus and your ruler, piercing Pluto. This is especially potent on Wednesday, so circle hump day for having those healing heart-to-hearts. This planetary pair can help you build a stronger bond with a casual acquaintance. Make plans for a one-on-one hang before the week is through. Then, see what happens when you integrate this new pal into your friend group — or tag along with their crew for a day. You never know until you try, Scorpio.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Friends, foes, or frenemies? Wonder no more where to categorize people, Sagittarius. Thursday’s full moon helps you sort it out. Ponder this passage from poet Hafez: "After a million years of shining / The sun doesn't say to the Earth / 'You owe me.' / Imagine a love like this." If scorekeeping has snuck into your social relationships, put a stop to it immediately. How? By checking to see where you've given too much, too soon. Friendships can be simple, Sagittarius, based on a common connection instead of constant IOUs. This freedom-oriented full moon reminds that you are enough "as-is" and don't have to go any extra miles to prove it. Let yourself off the hook and you'll start seeing legit friends everywhere you turn. They aren't narcissists, Sagittarius; they are just living their lives.

Keep your power suit pressed and ready this week, too. With charming Venus and potent Pluto lining up in your career houses midweek, there could be some rapid professional developments. All the work you've been doing behind-the-scenes — from toiling away on your laptop to nurturing important relationships — could start to pay off. An influential woman may open doors for you, so keep your focus on the powerful ladies at the office. If you see a chance to lend them support, jump right in and earn those loyalty points.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Ready to make it rain, Capricorn? Finances start to flow this week, thanks to Thursday's full moon in your money zone. Ask not what your boss can do for you; instead, pick up the reins and take initiative. You'll peg yourself as the office up-and-comer — or, like every Capricorn, the future CEO. If you're not making the bank you want to, get strategic. What steps can you take to bump yourself to a higher pay grade? Sign up for webinars and specialized trainings that bring profitable skills and certifications. If you’ve been saving up, this full moon green-lights a luxe and practical upgrade. Invest in quality, Capricorn: You can think of this purchase as “building a collection” rather than wasting on replacements.

Midweek, there will be a moment of truth in your personal life. Venus in your candid ninth house sidles up to secret-keeper Pluto in Capricorn. You cannot tell a lie under this cosmic coupling; nor can you hold your honest feelings inside. The coast is clear for real talk, but remember that timing and atmosphere are everything. A change of scenery could be the perfect backdrop for conversations like this. Go for a nature hike or road trip to a more secluded spot where you can hash it all out without the nosy neighbors listening in.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Pump up the volume on your amazing personality, Aquarius. This Thursday marks 2016's only full moon in your sign — a day that was made for full-on celebrations of your unique and original vibes. Groupthink has never been your thing — although you can attract quite a following. Post a few shameless selfies, but think about the important message you want to share with the world. All your dabbling and cutting-edge explorations don't have to be kept in the vault; in fact, your POV is one that people need to hear. Debut your latest discoveries and you'll position yourself as an influencer. There's so much the world can learn from you!

Feel like you've been pigeonholed? This full moon helps you break free and do you. Before the week is through, cross one daring item off the old bucket list. This could even be something that falls in the metaphysical category, thanks to an esoteric alignment of Venus and Pluto midweek. The yoga handstand workshop, the Tarot 101 class, the session with the energy healer: Embrace the woo and tap into new dimensions of yourself. This cosmic coupling will break down romantic barriers, too. Gulp down the cup of courage and get vulnerable. Copping to your feelings — the tender ones — will bring back the love.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

It ain't over till it's over, Pisces. But this Thursday's full moon in Aquarius ignites your 12th house of transitions, helping you get a clear read on situations. All the effort you've been putting forth has got to start yielding results — otherwise, what's the point? You'll only exhaust yourself if you keep on pushing with little reward. Give it one last push if you feel there's hope. Then, let the chips fall where they may. Already know it's done and dusted? Listen to the doctors: A clean break heals the fastest. Start detoxing this week by cutting negativity out of your life. P.S.: If you really want closure, having one last dramatic conversation won't bring it. Engage your willpower and put your focus on the future.

Besides, there are plenty of fish in the sea! And a sultry connection between Venus and Pluto will remind you of that midweek. New friends pour in, so get out and circulate. A group hang could rouse a romantic connection, too — and with playing-for-keeps Pluto in the frame, this one could go the distance. Already attached? Group gatherings will bring out the best in you both, so get into power couple mode and spend the week socializing as a pair.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

There's strength in numbers this week, Aries! Thursday’s full moon in your collaborative 11th house can bring a huge win for your squad. Celebrate the win, then get real with yourself: Can you envision a new chapter with this group or is it honestly time to move on? Don't hang on out of habit. Prioritize your own growth, even if it means saying a difficult goodbye. Been flying solo for too long? You could finally find your tribe this week — not an easy feat for your selective sign. This full moon lights up your technology sector: Double-tap, like, swipe, and ye shall find.

In affairs of the heart, you'll be feeling a bit more goal-oriented, especially midweek, when romantic Venus and playing-for-keeps Pluto sync up in the most stable parts of your chart. Talks about the future aren't your favorite thing, but free-floating without any direction will bring even greater anxiety. Schedule a hump day heart-to-heart, Ram, and try to keep your worries out of it. Instead, focus on the ideal vision you see for a partnership. Single Aries, clue your pals in on who you're looking for. They might just play Cupid for you right there on the spot.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Time to elevate! Thursday’s full moon in Aquarius electrifies your ambitious 10th house. When it comes to your career, you will totally crush it — especially if you've been putting in tons of elbow grease since early 2016. Step into a leadership role or write out a job description to present to the higher-ups. The squeaking wheel gets the oil! Like self-made Taurus tycoons Sophia Amoruso and Lena Dunham, you could be inspired to start your own business, too. An influential man could help open doors now, so don't be shy about asking the great guys you know to put in a good word on your behalf.

The BPM of your heart will definitely increase this week, too! On Wednesday, your ruling planet Venus gets a charge from seductive Pluto, waking up your romantic nature. Planning a long weekend trip with your S.O. could be the perfect way to wrap the summer. Single? Pluto's placement in your worldly ninth house could stoke the embers with someone from a different cultural background. If you're vacationing, sparks could fly with a sexy local. Pack your good undies!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Roll the dice, Gemini! Thursday’s full moon in your happy-go-lucky ninth house gives you the green light to take a gamble. Taking the road less traveled by will definitely pay off this week — even if it simply reminds you that there's a bigger world out there than you've previously realized. An opportunity could flow in from afar — one that might even involve travel. Geography doesn't have to be a limitation in the digital age, so see what the kids are doing on other continents. Your gifts could be totally in-demand there! Cross-cultural connections could heat up under these moonbeams, whether for romance, business, or a creative collaboration. Branch out!

There's also lots happening within your own four walls this week, Gemini. Decor-loving Venus and alchemical Pluto sync up, bringing makeover inspiration. Give your space a soulful update and use this as an opportunity to flex your own creative muscles. (DIY Shibori hand towels, anyone?) Playing house with your summer love will be utterly enchanting now, too. Who knows? After a few marathon days of cuddling, you might be ready to hand over a spare key or even think about being roommates. Single? Give the nice guys or girls a legit chance to woo you.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Ready, set, transform! This Thursday’s full moon in Aquarius and your alchemical eighth house brings a gust of extreme makeover energy your way. The winds of change are a-blowing, Cancer. But in order to benefit from this, you'll have to stop gripping on to the past with your crab claws. Giving up something sub-par creates the space for something better to flow in.

This sultry full moon will also bring sexy back, big time. Attraction that’s been bubbling in the background could evolve into a bona fide bodice-ripper. And that urge to merge gets doubly intensified this week, thanks to a heart-opening alignment between amorous Venus and playing-for-keeps Pluto. A casual connection could become exclusive before the weekend or you could make a fateful right swipe. Coupled Cancers could feel ready to take the next step together, exchanging keys or even shopping for a love nest. Before you break your lease, read this!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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