Deep in the dark, moist depths of your makeup bag lurk some shocking truths that you’d probably rather not know. From that year-old liquid foundation and those unwashed brushes to the slowly drying mascara and out of date lip balm, it's time to stop ignoring these items. Because while we’ve been turning a blind eye, they've been busy making friends. Bad ones.
“It’s a well-known fact that makeup bags are a breeding ground for bacteria,” explains Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic. “Many laboratory-based tests where makeup items have been swabbed have shown the growth of all sorts of different microbes that can cause infection.” Nancy Crossley, makeup artist and founder of Beauty So Clean adds, “We have done studies with outside labs and on average, 11 out of 25 products tested contained Staphylococcus Aureus [a common cause of skin infections and food poisoning], Pseudomonas Aeruginosa [which can trigger bloodstream infections and pneumonia] and E-Coli.”
So… how much bacteria could be in your makeup bag? Short answer: a lot. But there’s also a lot you can do about it. Click on...

Learn how to store your stash
Though you may have been very particular about your choice of makeup bag, we’re sorry to tell you that it’s actually a lot more beneficial to the hygiene of your makeup to use a standard clear one. Bye bye bright colours and personalised initials, hello boring see-through plastic (but potentially better health). Why? “Bacteria can build up anywhere that is dark, warm, moist and has nutrients so your makeup bag is the perfect place,” warns Dr Helen Webberley, GP for oxfordonlinepharmacy.co.uk. “Imagine the warm petri dishes you used during science at school – a foundation compact is a pretty similar piece of kit!” Suffice to say, where you store your makeup bag is key too – keep it away from a hot radiator and out of direct sunshine.

Keep it clean
As well as putting your makeup bag through the wash once a month, the products you keep in it need to be regularly sanitised too. “Use alcohol wipes to clean tweezers and eyelash curlers and wash your makeup brushes monthly,” Dr Mahto recommends. “To do this, use either a mild olive oil, antibacterial soap or shampoo mixed with warm water. Rinse them thoroughly, blot them dry with a clean towel and leave them to dry flat overnight.” For more frequent and speedy brush sanitising try the genius Beauty So Clean Conditioning Brush Cleanser. It contains totally natural ingredients and cleans and dries the brush within seconds.

Check the expiry date
All items have a different shelf life so keep an eye on how long they should be active in your makeup bag for. This can be found on the label; for example, a liquid foundation lasts for around twelve months (seen as ‘12m’) while a mascara should only be used for about three (‘3m’). “Contaminated mascara wands and eyeliners can increase the risk of conjunctivitis,” explains Dr Mahto. “Contact lens wearers are also in danger of contracting a condition called Keratitis which is when bacteria from makeup contaminates the lens and causes problems with the cornea.” After an eye infection, make sure you start afresh with all of your eye makeup – it’s costly but essential.

Think before you buy (and apply)
Even before you’ve handed over your credit card, it’s important to consider what your makeup is contained in. With liquids, “go for ones that come in tubes rather than pots and jars,” advises Dr Mahto. “Every time you put your finger into a pot of makeup, you deposit bacteria into the mixture.” Use a clean spatula, brush or cotton bud to apply so that your hands don’t have to come into contact with the contents at all. If your absolute favourite product doesn’t come in a tube, empty it into a disposable one. Try MAC Travel Bottles, £4.50 for a set of two.
It’s how you apply that counts too; “Our hands always carry bacteria from daily travel on the tube, in taxis and public washrooms etc and it can transfer to your products, especially if you use your fingers,” warns Nancy. The same rule applies to foundation sticks; “The key is to minimise the amount of bacteria you put into the product in the first place so avoid applying it directly onto your skin,” says Dr Webberley. It’s also good to be aware of your surroundings. As much as everyone admires the, frankly, genius girl who applies her makeup on the train, a grubby environment like that will potentially harm the contents of her makeup bag. Touching up after meals can be hazardous too; “Reapplying lipstick or lipgloss after eating could lead to decaying food particles and bacteria left on your lipstick,” says Nancy.

Don’t let the bag bugs bite
So, while all this sounds slightly on the scary side (the food particles got to you didn’t they?), it really doesn’t have to be as long as you’re aware of the risks and know how to stay on top of them. Stay hygiene savvy, keep everything in-date and for goodness sake, don’t become so neurotic that you stop wearing makeup altogether – there’s plenty of room for prettiness and cleanliness to exist in that one little bag.
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