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Your Horoscope This Week — Jul 17 2016

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Shuffling around in a Pokémon Go trance? Snap out of it, stargazers! This Tuesday, the 19th of July, marks 2016's only full moon in Capricorn — the sign of stratospheric success. Forget about finding Pikachu and focus on the power players. Charmander can wait…charm those important clients instead. A PokéStop by the boss's office could be worth its weight in hatchable eggs. Network, power lunch, wow the VIP influencers. That's the fastest way to #levelup to five and make magic with movers and shakers.

The fun and games begin again on Friday, though, as the sun swoops into passionate, playful Leo until the 22nd of August. All the world is a stage…and a talent show, so step up and slay. Bold expression, even swagger, will be rewarded during this solar cycle. But check those egos, too. Under these royal skies, life could get a little Lannister versus Snow. But a game of thrones rarely ends well, so try sharing the power instead of fighting for it. There's room enough for all of us to shine.


June 21 to July 22

Light the candles, pour the bubbly, and nom a couple more slices of tiramisu. Cancer season is winding down this week, ending officially on Friday when the Sun heads into Leo until August 22. What's left on your birthday bucket list? You want to start this next year of life on a high note, not a boring one! If you need to squeeze in an adventure, use a couple vacation days for your celebratory grand finale. With Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn and your seventh house of partnerships, this could be the perfect excuse to slip off on an overnight with your summer love. Long-term relationships are blessed by these moonbeams, too. Whether you're road-tripping to the beach or cuddled up on the couch, profess your true feelings. Your security-loving sign needs an exclusivity clause, and Tuesday could be the day when everything becomes a lot more official with bae.

After Friday, let the lions eat cake. Crabs will be too busy making bank for the next four weeks as the sun blazes into Leo and powers up your second house of financial security until August 22. Roll up your sleeves and get back down to the grind. You may have some clean-up and catch-up work to do. Hey, you deserved to celebrate The Festival of Cancer! But all good things must evolve into the next phase of the game. As you hunker down in this stable groove, you'll feel more settled, secure, and grounded — sweet relief. Establishing a reputation for diligence and quality work primes you for professional growth opportunities. While there may be a “lather, rinse, repeat” element to the work you do until August 22, think of each task as a brick you are laying to build a solid foundation — and powerful reputation.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Raise a green smoothie to the sky and give the world a Namaste. Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn lights up your wellness zone, sounding the call for self-care. When was the last time you just unplugged? Whether it's a five-minute meditation at the top of every hour or a few walks throughout the workday, start incorporating breaks into your busy schedule. Giving your mind a rest increases productivity when you're back at the grind. Take time to streamline and simplify, too. Use apps and sync your devices — it's time to work smarter, not harder. If you've been hustling for the past six months, you no doubt have something to show for your efforts. Tuesday's the day to toot your own horn. The strategic self-promotion could lead to a raise or a reputation-boosting assignment.

Leo season begins on Friday as the sun blazes into your sign and stays with us until August 22. Prepare for lift-off! The next four weeks could launch your personal plans into orbit. Action is required, even if you’re just taking the first bold step. Say yes to new experiences, travel, and anything that stretches you outside your comfort zone. It's fine to stumble along the way (don't get reckless, though) if it's in the name of growth. Loads of attention is coming your way during this four-week cycle. Real talk: Do your outsides match your insides? With all those sunbeams shining in your direction, how about a style revamp for your new year of life? Have a graphic designer hook you up with a logo; get that tattoo you keep talking about. And of course, give your lion's mane an edgy cut or try a signature updo.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Style yourself to slay, Virgo! Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn ignites blazes of fierce in your fifth house of fame, flamboyance, and yes, fashion. This is your moment to get noticed…perhaps with the cameras rolling. (Crib a going-out makeup scheme from these New Yorkers. Color jolt or understated glitter, anyone?) Even if you prefer to fly under the radar, be shameless about getting your work (and name) out into the public. Romantically, these moonbeams could push a percolating attraction into the full-on love zone. Who, you, modest Virgo? Under these PDA-positive skies, you could hear a few cries of "Get a room!" Coupled Virgos may swiftly advance to the next stage of the game: moving in together, getting engaged or pregnant, even!

On Friday, everything downshifts when the sun slips into Leo and your 12th house of endings for a month. Parting is such sweet sorrow, Virgo. But you've known for a while that it was time to move on from certain aspects of your life — ones that you've outgrown or lost interest in. Put a gentle exit strategy in place. You don't have to bolt for the door. Have your weepy farewells and sentimental "last dances." It's not that you'll never come back around, but you have to step away in order to evolve. If you're not literally leaving a relationship or job…or city…you might be ditching an old belief system that just doesn't serve you anymore.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Grab your scuba gear and dive into the emotion ocean. This Tuesday's full moon lights up your sentimental fourth house. Consider this an epic heart-opening day on 2016's calendar. You could find yourself awash in feelings…ones you didn't even realize you had. Don't brush them aside or try to logic your way out of the sentiments. Those strange sensations in your chest area carry a lot of wisdom, Libra. Fess up and find out if those feels are reciprocated. Life is too short to wonder endlessly when you could be deeply connecting — or to waste time on people who aren't on the same wavelength.

On Friday, the sun swoops into Leo and your 11th house of community for a month, boosting your popularity to new heights. Break free from the confines of a clique and expand your social circle. Where inspiration is lacking, adopt a teamwork approach. Sure, you'll have to share some of the glory — but you'll reach the finish line a lot faster when you turn Libra goals into squad goals. Upgrade your technology and spruce up your social-media profiles. People may be Googling your name or searching for you on Instagram, LinkedIn, or another platform. #Represent

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Kindred spirits, unite! Tuesday's full moon lights up your house of dynamic duos. After months of testing the waters, you could seal the deal on a creative collab, joint venture, or another tag-team effort. This full moon brings a popularity spike. Forget about hiding out with the hermit crabs. Plan a workweek hang and play superconnector for your fabulous friends. It's high time they all met each other after all your rave reviews. These moonbeams govern communication. Choose your words carefully — and craft them with that Scorpio flair. A tweet, video, or Insta could go viral. (Work that meme maker, too.) In the process, you could spread an important message to the world, or bring some much-needed levity to a situation that's getting intense.

You’re in mover-and-shaker mode again on Friday as the sun begins a prestige-boosting journey through Leo and your 10th house of success. Fixate on that brass ring. You could legit capture it — not to mention a flurry of other honors — by August 22. And if that means missing out on a few poolside margarita hangs, so be it. Then again, maybe you’ll just be the one with her laptop on her lounger. No reason you can’t have the best of both worlds, right? But DO stay focused on your grandest goals. This solar cycle brings a powerful window for networking, pitching, and selling your wild ideas. Knowing the right people is key. Turn on that Scorpio charm and go mingle! While you’re at it, how about pinging some influential names in your existing contact database?

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Work, work, work, work, work. Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn lights up your second house of finances. Maybe you need to tighten up your belt a bit…or legit create a budget so you have funds for festival-hopping and August's rent. Instead of stressing about what's not in the bank, focus on creating more flow. A job opportunity could pop up under these moonbeams; or you could tap into a training program that could bump you up to a higher pay grade. If you've been in high-productivity mode since early 2016, pause to celebrate a milestone. Then think about ways you could better promote yourself so that you don't get passed over for that raise or profitable assignment. One strategically timed humblebrag could change everything for the better.

On Friday, the storm clouds part as the sun sails into fellow fire sign Leo — and your optimistic ninth house — until August 22. For the past month, life has felt a little heavy for you, Sagittarius; even downright gloomy in moments. This is so NOT like your life-giving sign. And frankly, you’re ready to find your happy place again. Good news! Just before the weekend, your joie de vivre returns along with the spirit of adventure. You’re ready to play with the other kids on planet Earth; the more diverse your crew, the better. Be spontaneous! The “strangers” you meet could quickly become your new BFFs. Traveling is basically essential — anything from camping with friends to a Croatian island getaway will do. Entrepreneurial urges could sway you away from your desk job or encourage an “intrapreneurial” approach to your 9-5. Warning: Your quiver gets a refill of truth arrows, but be cautious when candid. Honesty is your best policy — IF you pepper in a modicum of tact.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Take a bow! Tuesday marks the annual full moon in Capricorn, an epic day to step forth and shine. Attention is coming your way, like it or not, so get ready to field those admirers. Dress to impress, and be an open book about your interests and truths. People will celebrate the authentic you, even if you do add a little extra sparkle and polish to your exterior facade. Flip back to January 9, the day of the new moon in your sign. What have you accomplished since then? Debut the fruits of your labors — or give this path a serious assessment. If it's not paying off as hoped, change course. These moonbeams bring plenty of momentum should a start fresh be required. Maybe you just need to bring more leadership and creativity to the game. Take charge and give some out-of-the-box techniques a try.

On Friday, prepare to feel the power of your purr. The sun slinks into Leo and your erotic eighth house until August 22, making you enchanting, seductive, and totally magnetic. You have zero time for the hit-it-and-quit-it types during this solar cycle. Long-lasting — and intense! — relationships are what you're all about. A connection that’s been developing steadily could become far more permanent by August 22. Spice up your pillow talk and steer conversations to topics like cohabitation, exclusivity clauses, even wedding plans. Feeling the embers fade? You could decide to go your separate ways under these "all or nothing" sunbeams. The hidden side of life fascinates you for the coming four weeks. Duck into the metaphysical bookstore to read about esoteric subjects; or schedule a reading with an intuitive. You lean toward the logical, but hey, Capricorn, what if you're actually a spiritual being having a human experience? Something to ponder…

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Feeling exhausted? Just. Let. Go. Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn and your 12th house of completions hands you the white flag. Surrendering isn’t a sign of defeat. Certain things are worth fighting for, while others are just a waste of time and energy. If you've tried every way in the book to "make things work!" you've done more than enough. But here's the funny thing. When you back off, rest, and release control, miracles can happen. If the situation doesn't heal itself naturally, a space will open up for something better to come your way. Have faith, Aquarius, the universe has your back…even if it doesn't always look that way.

Proof could come as soon as Friday, when the sun blazes into Leo — your partnership sign — for a month. Leap, in the name of love! The heart knows what it knows. Single Aquarians may soon have a change of relationship status to announce. But relax: Pairing off doesn't mean sacrificing your identity as a self-sovereign individual. Save your final rose for a partner who helps you shine diamond-bright — and say "Bye, boo!" to anyone who tries to dim your sparkle to boost their ego. Coupled Aquarians might need to rock the boat a little to get your connection back on course. Start with real talk about what needs fixing in your relationship. Be proactive: Come to the conversation with three creative solutions so you're not just lobbing complaints.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Caring, compassionate Pisces, how about putting your activism into action? This Tuesday, a full moon in your 11th house of social justice inspires you to do something about the issues that hit closest to your heart: feminism, anti-shaming, #BlackLivesMatter…even an as-yet-unnamed movement. Use social media to spread the word and consider organizing a live event that raises funds and awareness simultaneously. Since music is so close to your heart, you might even rally the rappers and bands you know for a benefit concert. Or join an existing organization that does good in the world. Help clean up a neighborhood park or lend some brushstrokes to a community mural project. Little things mean a lot.

On Friday, swap the wine slushie for a green smoothie. The sun bursts into Leo and your sixth house of work and wellness until August 22, blowing the whistle on any hedonistic habits that have crept in. It's been fun blowing off responsibilities and partying like a rock star, but it's time to settle down and be responsible again. (Sighhh.) Skip the "no pain, no gain" route and opt in to fun activities like stand-up paddleboarding, hip-hop dance classes, and canyon hike meet-ups. Make the most of these “salad days” by fueling up on energy foods: fresh, organic produce, lean proteins…even try veganism. Since the sixth house governs digestion, try probiotic-rich foods like these to aid with gut health. Work gets busier for the next four weeks, too, but don’t be the office martyr! Teamwork makes the dream work — and creates a far more enjoyable atmosphere for productivity. If you feel like it’s time for a raise, be bold and schedule a performance review before August 22.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Your astrological algorithm is set for success, thanks to Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn and your 10th house of prestige and professional honors. If you've been hustling since early 2016 (particularly the new moon in Capricorn on January 9), get ready to celebrate a milestone. You could be tapped for a promotion or handed more leadership and responsibility at work. Don't wait to be discovered by a dream client or seen by your busy supervisor. Schedule time for a performance review. Or take the boss or a potential client out to lunch to pitch ideas and discuss "growth opportunities." Ready to move on from a dead-end job? Circulate your résumé and work LinkedIn. Within two weeks of the full moon, you could have some amazing interviews lined up — even an offer!

If your summer of love got off to a slow start, don't stress. On Friday, the sun blazes into Leo and your passionate fifth house for a month. Romance heats up to red-hot levels, but you'll have to be proactive. Take the lead in affairs of the heart, whether you're liberally swiping right, going in for the first kiss, or asking bae to move in with you. This fame-fueled solar cycle could draw some impressive eyes your way. Aries performers and creatives could blow up. Book those gigs and gallery shows, or find other opportunities to flaunt your talents.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Keep that Viber app open, Taurus. Happy news could come in from afar thanks to Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn and your worldly ninth house. You may have to travel for work or interface with the London office more frequently. (Here's hoping it leads to a life-changing business trip!) Book your vacation plans for pleasure's sake, too. Whether it's camping at a music festival, couch-surfing across Europe, or cradling in a hammock at a chic beach resort, you could use a change of scenery. Funds too tight? Start a special savings account just for these sojourns. By contributing a percentage of each paycheck to this plan, you'll soon have funds for the airfare, hotel, and gear. But in the meanwhile, try taking a little staycation in your own stomping grounds.

On Friday, your attention turns to Château Taurus. After a frenetic four weeks, your social-butterfly wings may be feeling weary. With the sun floating into Leo and your domestic zone until August 22, your lair is clamoring for your attention. Clean your space and dive into a decorating spree. Though you'll need more "me time" now, you'll also enjoy hosting friends and family for dinner parties and sleepovers. Don’t love where you live? Scroll through the real estate listings while sipping your cold brew. You could radar in on a dream home and even pack up the U-Haul before August is through. Nurture your bonds with women now, too, as the fourth house is the zodiac's feminine realm. Before August 22, slip off for a weekend with your #girlgang to bond, vent, and untangle all your emotions with their wisdom and support.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Twinning is winning, as any Gemini worth her salt knows. And this week, the urge to merge could be overpowering. With Tuesday's full moon in Capricorn and your eighth house of "permabonding," you could finally find someone worthy of your devotion — or captivate that commitment-shy love interest who's been clocking you for months. If you're in a relationship, your bond will grow stronger and sexier under these moonbeams. Circle Tuesday for a one-on-one date, then close the partition. But one surefire buzzkill? Playing it cool when you're all hot and bothered — or pretending not to care when you legit do. Vulnerability is the essential ingredient in these magical mixers. Drop the mask, Gem, even if you fear playing the fool. There's no way to ever experience true love without risking heartbreak: It's just the rule of the game.

More opportunities to pair up (platonically, in this case) start on Friday, when the sun swoops into Leo and your cooperative, communicative third house until August 22. Charming Gemini, you know how to make friends fast. If you see an intriguing stranger — online or IRL — say hi. With kindred spirits cropping up at every turn, you could quickly connect to your future festival buddy, ride share, or date for a friend's wedding. This curiosity-piquing phase is perfect for dabbling. Download Groupons and ClassPasses so you can sample all the local offerings without breaking the bank. Hold off on joining anything, though. Signing up for guitar lessons is one thing; posting about band auditions on Craigslist is quite another. It’s a Gemini’s prerogative to change your mind, and you’ll do so often in the coming 30 days.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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