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Your Horoscope This Week — Jul 10 2016

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Let the game of thrones begin! A pair of planets sail into regal Leo this week, bringing out the Lannisters and Targaryens in us all. From Tuesday until the 5th of August, glamorous, amorous Venus purrs with feline seduction, making us all a lot more forward with our romantic game. Then, a day later, flirty Mercury starts its annual tour through Leo, which lasts until August 30. Who needs dating apps? Live entertainment will be far more scintillating with these two sensual planets here. That said, Mercury in Leo is completely cool with liberal right-swiping...but if there are sparks, test them out IRL as soon as you can. The flat, hard screen of an iPhone just won’t compare to the heat of a warm body. But it could get competitive out there, even for a mother of dragons or a kingslayer! Leo energy loves to flaunt its power and turn heads. Sanity-saving mantra: "When you compare, you despair." Instead of trying to top other people, focus on bringing out YOUR personal best. There’s room enough for everyone to shine.

The weekend could get crazy intense! With the sun in emo Cancer clashing with impulsive Uranus in Aries, there will be moody meltdowns and diva-like demands flying everywhere. The friend who is usually NBD about everything could freak out about the smallest slight. (Here’s hoping you’re not stuck sharing a tent at a festival!). We’ll all need to monitor our own “my way or the highway” vibes. Sure, it’s great when we can custom order to taste, but life doesn’t always operate like Amazon Prime or Seamless — and remembering to be more patient, accommodating, and inclusive of others can save the weekend from total disaster.


June 21 to July 22

Has your right-swiping finger grown weary, Cancer? Give it a rest this week, because love planet Venus and flirty Mercury are drifting out of your sign. (Sigh...but not.) The last few weeks have been full of excitement and even a bit of commitment-shy independence. But as Venus slips into Leo from Tuesday through August 5, followed by Mercury from Wednesday to July 30, you'll be happy to settle into a more sensual, slow-jamming groove that's plenty romantic. You could finally feel ready to be wooed in that old-fashioned manner your sign still adores. (Chivalry is NOT dead.) If you're in a relationship, talks could turn practical matters, like moving in together, managing shared finances, and supporting each other's dreams. Spend more time in chill mode. Cuddling on the couch, starlit walks (for ice cream!), and beach trips for two will be pure bliss.

The Venus-Mercury duo can prompt some creative financing inspiration. Yes, you can make money from your art, music, writing, choreography...whatever. With information-carrier Mercury in the mix, you might even teach private lessons or design a workshop to pass on your magic. Still in learner mode? Sign up for classes to sharpen these talents.

Alas, this weekend, you just can't get lost in the vortex of brunch dates and hours of Marco Polo in the pool. The Cancer sun crashes into a tricky angle with disruptive Uranus in your 10th house of career. You may need to do some quick recon work around a botched assignment or play catch up so you don't miss an impending (and important!) deadline. When you are out with friends, go light on the shop talk. Someone in your circle could feel threatened by your power — especially if their professional life is in a slump. Socialize strategically if you want to discuss work matters. Maybe it's time to add a few more go-getters to your social circle, Cancer?

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Step out and shine! Radiant Venus sails into your sign from Tuesday until August 5 — and you'll just glow. On Wednesday, Mercury follows suit, flowing through Leo until July 30. To call you magnetic would be a true understatement. But if you're single, hang on tight to that final rose. This is as much a time for self-love as it is for attracting relationships. Holding on to some independence while you get to know people can make the spark stronger. Plus, prowling the proverbial Serengeti for hot prospects will be as much fun as catching your prey. If you're in a relationship, you'll need a much longer leash. (Hi, free-range Leo!) Enjoy the appreciative gazes and witty banter, but be careful about blurring lines...especially when the bad boy or girl tempts.

Put some attention on your passion projects, too — anything from a style blog (Venus) to a screenplay (Mercury) will get a lovely infusion from the muse. Since both Venus and Mercury direct the ways you present yourself to the world, start pinning hairstyles that you'd like to try. Then, book the salon appointments and even do a session with a stylist or graphic designer to nail your signature look and presentation materials.

On Saturday, don't let other people fence you in! With the sun in your 12th house of escapism catching heat from Uranus in your travel zone, you won't take kindly to anyone telling you where to go — or stay. If you need to break off from a group hang, you should. It's better than sticking around out of guilt and exploding in frustration. You may also realize that you've reached your breaking point with someone in your life. Real talk is inevitable, but this weekend is NOT the time to try to hash thing out...not when tempers are flaring in this way.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Look who's rocking the rose-colored glasses. This week, your ruler, expressive Mercury, and ardent Venus float into your 12th house of fantasy. With Venus here until August 5 and Mercury until July 30, life will take on a fairy-tale quality. Indulge in the escape, because someone could sweep you right off your espadrilles. But don't ignore the red flags that are waving — or even the basic human flaws that everyone has. If you're legit going to fall in love, you need to see the whole picture. Yes, that means the "for better" and the "for worse." Figure those out ASAP so you can determine how deep you REALLY want to get in.

A creative and compassionate squad could enter your life over the next few weeks, too. Yep, Virgo, we all need people to lean on — even you, the project manager, therapist, and all-around fixer for your crew. Find friends who solidly have your back or hang out more often with the people you know do.

Over the weekend, keep the velvet rope firmly in place. With the sensitive Cancer sun getting challenged by volatile Uranus, a loose cannon could disrupt the harmony with your crew. Don't play with fire romantically, either. A player could woo you away from a stable option — but you could come crashing down from the high just as quickly...without that supportive net. Not worth the risk, Virgo, since you do better with consistency.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

There's strength in numbers, Libra — and with your ruling planet Venus mingling with Mercury in your 11th house of community starting this week, you'll need to lean on your people. You're generally a one-on-one type, but it's time to branch out. Support and strength is all around you and teaming up for a joint venture could bring a huge win. In love, the Venus-Mercury duo will make you a lot more laid-back. Let go of control and let the chips fall where they may. While you may have felt possessive (even overly involved) last week, you now cannot be bothered to exert that much effort. This doesn't mean that you don't care...it actually is a signal of healthier boundaries. After all, relationships thrive when both individuals are strong and grounded in themselves. Keep things a lot more casual for the rest of July. Best friends with benefits is pretty much ideal. Even if you ARE exclusive with someone, you’d prefer a round of mini golf to another dress-up dinner date (well, most of the time, that is). The 11th house is the tech sector and Venus here can bring luck with digital dating. If you have a creative idea for YouTube channel, blog, or app, begin developing now!

This weekend, however, you won't be able to avoid a talk about the future. Someone close to you may be drifting or you could feel like your goals aren't exactly aligning. That doesn't mean a compromise is impossible, but you can only bend so far. You may have to be hardcore here and draw the line with someone who is constantly taking advantage of your flexibility. Deliver your ultimatum if you know you've reached your limit. If you've been the one slacking, don't be surprised if a close companion has harsh words for you. Listen and try not to get too defensive.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

All hail Scorpio! On Tuesday, decadent Venus moves into Leo and your posh 10th house until August 5. The next day, Mercury follows suit, flowing into Leo until July 30. This high-profile cosmic energy could bring a life upgrade your way. Sift through your drawers and closets: Anything you don't love must go this week. The 10th house governs your career, so you want to make sure your professional image is up to snuff! Socializing could lead to amazing connections, so use your Scorpio charms to break into elite and influential circles. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to join that urban social club or spend a long weekend in a hoity-toity beach community this summer, Scorpio. Making friends with the insiders CAN be a shortcut to the top. Your relationships with men will be blessed by Venus and Mercury, so make more time to hang with the guys in July.

Over the weekend, don't lose sight of the big picture. You could get overwhelmed by life's details and spin yourself into the anxiety zone. Even if you have an errand list as long as your arm, you don't want to dive in from a stressed-out state. Head to a morning yoga class, take a long bike ride on a woodsy trail, even get out of town for a day. A change of scenery can refresh your perspective, reminding you not to sweat the small stuff. And if you can't get it done alone, buy your friends pizza and wine in exchange for a few hours of labor.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Think you have a type? Guess again, Archer. This Tuesday, love planet Venus flows into Leo until August 5, starting blazes in your global, open-minded ninth house. One day later, curious, experimental Mercury joins up and sails through Leo until July 30. Your tastes can not be categorized now, except maybe under "different and unique." Cross-cultural relationships heat up, so keep your ears perked for the scintillating sounds of foreign exchanges. You could surprise yourself by suddenly falling for a buttoned-up banker, instead of the smooth-talking rapper — or vice versa. Already attached? Surf for super-saver fares. Collecting passport stamps with your sweetie will be a total aphrodisiac. You’ll find it easier to be honest AND diplomatic (thanks, Venus and Mercury) about what you want — from your emotional needs to what turns you on in bed. Purrrrr!

Travel of any manner will be rewarding, so you certainly don't need to center your journeys around love. Venus rules the arts and Mercury governs short-term learning. You could fly off for a painting workshop or an amazing yoga retreat. Anywhere that gets you into a romantic or artistic headspace will be pure inspiration. Summon your Sagittarian nature and go explore the world!

Over the weekend, keep your guard up for players. Someone could hit you with the hard sell of seduction, only to leave you in the lurch the next day. Make sure your head and heart are aligned before you sign on for any relationships though. Comfort and security are nice, but you also need sizzle and spark. Hold out for someone who brings the best of both worlds.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Naughty, naughty, Capricorn. Your inner minx takes the wheel this week as amorous Venus and flirty Mercury cruise into Leo and your seductive eighth house. Venus hovers here until August 5, Mercury until July 30, meaning the rest of the month could be muy caliente in the love department. In particular, one relationship could heat up to level: exothermic, fusing the two of you into a permanent bond. You're definitely playing for keeps now, so shoo off any temps so you can keep a vacancy open for true romance. Already attached? Spice up your bedroom game with foreplay (Venus' specialty) and some dirty talk (messenger Mercury's gift to you). Practice makes perfect, so don't worry if you feel or sound like an awkward teen at first attempt. Follow these tips to help you ace the seduction game.

This weekend, don't try to play peacekeeper or bring together random factions into a single plan. With the sun and volatile Uranus clashing, there are likely to be some strong personalities in the mix. Trying to unify the troops or get everyone to vibe will just give you anxiety, Capricorn. Opt for one-on-ones and reschedule with anyone you consider, uh, "difficult" — especially if they happen to be related to you!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Put a little love in your heart, Aquarius. Make that a lot, actually. This week, ardent Venus and flirty Mercury head into Leo and your seventh house of relationships. Venus hangs there until August 5 and Mercury until July 30. This is a golden window for bonding, Aquarius, no matter what your romantic status. Still on soul-mate patrol? Venus is the party princess of the skies, while Mercury governs socializing. You have more reasons to get out on the summer scene than "a really great DJ is spinning." Under these skies, you actually could find true love on the dance floor or by the swim-up bar.

Creative collaborations will also get a boost from the Venus-Mercury merger. Need a scriptwriting partner, a drummer for your band, a photographer for your Instagram feed? Pair up with a complementary force; someone who picks up perfectly where you leave off.

Watch for meltdowns on Saturday, when a manic mashup of the sun and your ruler Uranus could turn even a basic conversation into a debate. WTF are you even arguing about, anyway?! Keep the TMI in check, too — especially if your stories involve other people's business. Sharing the juicy details is gossip, Aquarius. This weekend, your words could come back to haunt you. When it doubt, edit it out.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Tune up your bike and blend that green smoothie. Your wellness profile is on the rise this week as radiant Venus and efficient Mercury zip into your sixth house of healthy living. No need to sacrifice your joie de vivre. Just add more movement to your social schedule — swimming, dancing, long rides through the park. Venus is the planet of love while Mercury governs friend circles. You could find love on the outdoor running trails or that TRX class. Summon your squad and get them in on the health kick. Whether you want to increase energy levels or try a vegan lifestyle, you'll have an easier time motivating with your friends in the game.

Work could become more active, too, with a creative assignment landing in your lap. You might even take the initiative to pitch the project yourself. Team up with a coworker FTW — and if you're secretly crushing on someone in the office, this might be the perfect icebreaker to see if the connection is worth exploring or not.

This weekend, prepare to assert yourself, Pisces — especially as someone oversteps your bounds for the thousandth time. You've been kind, polite, passive even, but no mas! If you don't set limits now, you could wind up entangled in this person's drama. But that doesn't mean you should fight fire with fire. Keep your cool and ice out the offending party. The less explaining you do, the easier it will be to keep them at bay.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

If summer loving has been at a slow crawl, fear not, Aries. That is ALL about to change this week as heartthrob Venus and flirty Mercury head into Leo and your passionate, attention-getting fifth house (until August 5 and July 30, respectively). You’ll be in-demand — to put it mildly — and fearless about making advances when the heat is on. Expressive Mercury wants you to make your feelings known, but don’t do all the work. Venus reminds you that true love is a give and take. Give the object of your affections a chance to volley back. Hold back patiently and know that you are worthy. In the spirit of Aries Ilana Glazer, can we get a "Yas Queen," please?

This Mercury-Venus cycle brings out the performer in you, too. Make legit time for the muse, because you could churn out something masterful by the month’s end. Or just be an arts appreciator and, of course, flaunt your creativity through your original Aries style. (Tats? Piercings? Shag haircut? Why not?) With all this magic on your side, you could attract rock royalty and spend a life-changing spell on their tour bus.

This weekend, you need to be free! Steer clear of needier friends and “smother mothers” in your squad. You just won’t have the patience to prop them up socially — or deal with their judging attitudes about your flamboyant moves. But don’t be mean, Aries. You don’t want to alienate an important emotional supporter who has your back. Just take a little time out to do you then reconvene next week.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Does your home feel like a haven, Taurus, or more of an unsettled crash pad? From Tuesday until August 5, beautifying Venus embarks on a tour through Leo and your domestic zone. On Wednesday, systematic Mercury joins Venus until July 30. Whipping your place into a design blogger’s dream could become your midsummer obsession. Focus on functionality and style: investing in shelving and storage could change everything for the better. Then, work some magic with color, like this.

If it’s time to move, Venus helps you scout out a sanctuary to replace the depressing basement apartment or the #insomniahell rental right outside the neighborhood dive bar. Since slumber is so essential to your sign, opt for a place with a rear-facing bedroom, so you can hear chirping sparrows instead of drunken pickup lines. Taurus lovebirds will enjoy a summer of cozy nesting and even a move to a cohabitation station.

Warning: this weekend, you will NOT be long on patience. Someone’s preachy rants or twisted emotional manipulation could finally push you to your breaking point. You’ve had enough of taking this subtle (or not so) disrespect. The question is: Will standing up for yourself really make a difference — or will you just get further sucked into the head games? Your best bet may be to remove yourself from this “friendship” and direct your attention towards people who treat you with the love you deserve.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

"Single Ladies" dance, anyone? This week, romantic Venus and flirtatious Mercury move into Leo and your curious, communicative third house — Venus until August 5 and Mercury until July 30. The thought of settling down could give you a severe case of claustrophobia. But if you're in a relationship, there are ways around this. Spice up your connection with variety: Take road trips, hang out with your mutual friend group, entertain yourselves with movies, concerts, and cultural outings. You'll have so much more to talk about once you do. Unattached Gems will find it ridiculously easy to make new friends or turn a right-swiper into a real-deal romance. But you could also be a little fickle and indecisive, so hang on to your final rose until August — unless, of course, you're sure you've met The One.

Creatively, use your gift of gab to make magic with the muse. Record a podcast, create a workshop, or dive into a writing project. Your witty tweets and 'grams could draw a huge audience. Just go easy on the snark, Gemini. There's no need to go mean girl with those memes.

Over the weekend, be careful who you allow into your inner circle. An entertaining-yet-unpredictable acquaintance could stir up controversy among the ranks. As they say, Gemini, one rotten apple can spoil the barrel. Keep your guard up for someone who tries to suck you into gossip (even under the guise of being "worried" for a mutual friend). These divisive conversations only create walls. Insist on direct discussions or nothing at all.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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