And the genius award goes to… (drumroll please). Time to get your Einstein on — and your Angela Davis. Early this week, messenger Mercury in activist Aquarius makes magic with worldly, venturesome Jupiter in Libra, the sign that rules justice. Could a faltering mission benefit from innovative ideas? And is everyone playing fair and square? Pause for the cause this week. With 2017 being The Year of the Protest, sadly, there is no shortage of issues to get behind. Rallying with your righteous squad could be highly impactful this workweek. And the tools of humour, Twitter and even experimental art can be majorly impactful. Think outside the box!
If your compassionate nature has been crying quietly in the corner — or muffled by your anger — the weekend will bring a revival. On Saturday, thoughtful Mercury slips into empathetic Pisces; then, on Sunday, there will be a solar eclipse in the same sign. This is the final Pisces eclipse in a series that began on March 20, 2015. And while eclipses are known for shaking things up, this one may bring some longstanding clarity. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces is often associated with endings and transitions. Something's gotta go — at last — be it a toxic situation, limiting belief or circumstances you've simply outgrown.

February 19 to March 20
In a totally cookie cutter world, it’s easy to feel like a misfit, Pisces. But who says being "normal" is the holy grail? This week, you have planetary permission — and full-on encouragement — to smash away those tired rules. Tuesday's energising connection between spirited Mercury and rule breaker Jupiter unleashes your trailblazing, trendsetting ways. This can be done with fashion, certainly; but you don't need blorange hair or NYFW street style to stand out. Be compassionate when everyone else has turned cold. Vulnerability makes a courageous statement!
Forget about curling up for a cosy Caturday. This weekend is filled with Pisces power! From Saturday until March 13, messenger Mercury will zip through your sign, blessing you with the gift of gab. Brilliant ideas flood in at lightning ;speed. Capture them all because they are the seeds of genius. Sunday is major! The last of three annual Pisces solar (new moon) eclipses electrifies the skies, affirming and validating everything about you (fabulous you). Since March 2015, you've been evolving and upgrading. So much may be different now: your lifestyle, friendships, even your appearance. This eclipse brings the final activation — or the motivation to finally race off on a brand new life path. Shine your light as brightly as possible; no holding back! By the September 6 Pisces full moon, you won't even recognise yourself.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

March 21 to April 19
Vulcan mind meld: activate! This week, let the genius flow. Just know that the bright ideas may not be coming solely from your head, Aries. With Tuesday’s trine (a lucky, 120 degree angle) between clever Mercury and expansive Jupiter, it's time to add some new faces to the team. Stop, listen, and collaborate! Let go of the insistence that your way is the right way. You'll be blown away by what other people have to contribute — all hail the collective brilliance! If you get nervous about releasing control, remember that talking about ideas isn't the same as putting them into practice. If you're not thrilled with what gets brainstormed you can always go back to your own drawing board.
This weekend could feel like a two-day personal retreat. On Saturday, deep-thinker Mercury slips into Pisces and your divinely inspired 12th house until March 13. Then, on Sunday, a solar eclipse in Pisces also points you inwards. Do you have a serene space that's all your own? If not, create one! Having a designated area to meditate, decompress and get creative is as essential as oxygen for your sign. A new painting studio or writing den, perhaps? If renting a space is out of the question, assign an area of your house or apartment for this purpose. This eclipse marks the start of a six month cycle of healing. If you've been hitting a wall, enlist the help of a therapist, private trainer or a life coach to Sherpa you along this soul-enriching journey.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

April 20 to May 20
Channel your inner Pat Benatar this week, Taurus. You're a heartbreaker! Dream maker! Add to that, rule breaker. (Which should be part of the song, right?) Under Tuesday's expansive Mercury-Jupiter alignment, you’ll be more inclined to follow the spirit of the law, rather than the letter of it. Rebellion feels so right — just be sure the line you toe is this side of legal, okay? Your routines are starting to feel stagnant so loosen up your schedule instead of being stuck in the "lather, rinse, repeat" cycle. If an activity no longer works for you, it's fine to let it go. Something more fitting will flow in when you create this space. And if your job isn't bringing you soul satisfaction, a volunteer opportunity or an activist cause could give you life now.
How solid is your squad? On Saturday, curious Mercury dives into Pisces and your 11th house of friendships, followed by a Pisces solar eclipse on Sunday. Big changes may be coming to Team Taurus, some exciting, some sad. Eclipses illuminate hidden info — and this one could give you good reason to make some changes within the ranks. The Mercury in Pisces phase, which lasts until March 13, helps you heal from any friendship breakups, should they go down. You'll also be keen to connect with more loyal kindred spirits and check out new scenes. Be proactive because your replacement friends are right around the corner. The 11th house is the tech sector. The next few weeks are a good time to embark on an online business, even as a side hustle. Worried about finances? Crowdsource away. Small contributions from many people can add up fast.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

May 21 to June 20
Say what, Gemini? You're quite the raconteur early this week as big-talking Jupiter shoots the shit with your ruler, chatty Mercury. Why stick to basic bullet points when you can add a colourful story? Just make sure you aren't embellishing the truth beyond reason (or in the spirit of the current Gemini POTUS). Style-wise, the skies want you to show off your dramatic side instead of toning down your flair. Try some unconventional layering and upside down eyeliner. Your originality could spark up an attraction with someone who appreciates your daring side. Is it friendship or something more? A little experimentation will reveal. Go for it!
This weekend, the ceiling can't hold you — and neither can the sky! Your upward ascension is guaranteed as your ruler, active Mercury heads into Pisces and your 10th house of ambition, followed by a Pisces solar eclipse on Sunday. This celestial shakeup will kick off a six-month cycle of professional growth. You're so ready for this. But before you dive off the starting block, take a little time to visualise the bigger picture. What do you ultimately want to accomplish? What are your goals for the coming six months? You don't have to know exactly, but having some sort of a picture can speed up your process of manifestation. (This checklist can help.) Then, create a map of concrete actions, even if they are just baby steps. You've gotta start somewhere!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

June 21 to July 22
Walls down, Cancer. With Tuesday's Mercury-Jupiter alignment, you’ll be more apt to wear your heart on your sleeve. Don’t fight it! It takes courage to reveal your emotional truth, but the stars are absolutely supporting you this week. Even if you’re nervous or terrified about airing your biz, your courage will inspire other people to do the same. This is how close friendships — and even romantic relationships — are born. Someone's gotta be the first to drop their guard, right? You might even find yourself doing some public speaking. Don't over-rehearse or read notes like you were staring at a teleprompter. From-the-heart spontaneity is what will really move the crowds. It’s all about connecting with people, not finding the perfect words.
Home will always be where your heart is, Cancer, but that doesn't make you immune to wanderlust. On Saturday, inquisitive Mercury pops into Pisces and your ninth house of travel until March 13. Then, on Sunday there will be a Pisces solar eclipse! Set up those faresaver alerts and let your jet-setting side take the wheel. If skipping town isn’t an option, then try some spiritual or intellectual travelling. Watch inspiring TED talks and sign up for a mind-expanding workshop. The startup world may be calling, and this Mercury cycle could get your side hustle in motion. An offer could come in from afar, thanks to the surprising nature of the eclipse. But pursuing it may mean uprooting or traveling regularly. Either way, your frequent-flyer miles are about to get a major boost.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

July 23 to August 22
Time for a vitals check, Leo. Not for you, but your relationships! One could be in dire need of TLC. But take an uplifting approach rather than a combative one. Instead of ticking off your grievances, focus on how you'd actually like things to go. In truth, it takes two to tango and you both played a part in the meltdown. And if you have to address an unworkable behaviour, try to speak in "I language." For example, "I would like you to call me more often" has a different ring to it than, "You never call me!" True connections are hard to come by, so when you find them, they're worth working on!
A sexy six-month cycle kicks off this weekend, thanks to Sunday's solar (new moon) eclipse in Pisces and your erotic eighth house. And on Saturday, flirty Mercury also shifts into Pisces, blessing you with bonus seductive powers until March 13. Someone new could literally rock your world; or, since eclipses reveal shadows, you could discover hidden feelings with someone you already know. The celestial energies are pushing for more than just a physical connection. Are you attracted mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, too? Accept nothing less than mind-blowing now. An existing relationship could hit a make it or break it moment too. By the time the weekend is through you'll know whether to move ahead together or just move on.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

August 23 to September 22
As the week begins, you're musing about your higher purpose. An inspiring connection between mental Mercury and growth-oriented Jupiter is awakening this inquiry — and you may realise that it's time to sign up for training or even apply for a degree programme. But think beyond your 9-5 or paying gigs. It may be a volunteer opportunity that brings that meaningful dimension into your life. Don't overwhelm yourself if your plate is pretty full. Small actions that you do on a daily basis can add up to a big difference. For example, calling local representatives about laws you don't like or mentoring a younger woman in your field. As Muhammed Ali said, “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”
Pairing is caring this weekend, Virgo! On Saturday, flirty Mercury shifts into Pisces and your seventh house of relationships. On Sunday, a solar eclipse will seriously activate your urge to merge. Alliances of all kinds are highlighted — from the bedroom to the boardroom to the band practice studio. With strategic Mercury in the picture, negotiating the balance of power will be a snap. Consider putting your agreements in writing. This might seem awkward at first, but clarity is what saves relationships in the long run. Eclipses can bring sudden developments, so get ready: Single Virgos could find that missing puzzle piece when you're not even looking!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

September 23 to October 22
No more playing nice, Libra. The mere thought of conflict can make you run and hide, but this week's planets are pushing you to speak your piece. Air your grievances in a productive manner, steering clear of petty jabs. Before you go in for the kill, think of a few creative solutions you can suggest that would mitigate the drama. One word to remove (or severely restrict) from your vocab? "Sorry." Apologising too much can weaken your position. It's okay to disagree, Libra! Once you've laid down your case, prepare to listen. Instead of trying to sway everyone to your side, seek a win-win compromise.
Weekend yoga, anyone? On Saturday, Mercury shifts into Pisces and your healthy living zone until March 13, activating your inner wellness warrior. There will also be a solar eclipse in Pisces on Sunday which kickstarts a six month cycle of extreme self-care. You won’t need to search for motivation; just a great playlist. If you’ve been trying to heal that flu unsuccessfully with Dr. Google, stop into the Urgent Care clinic or make a doctor's appointment. Don't forget the power of preventative medicine. As winter wraps up, social Mercury inspires you to meet friends for cardio classes, vegan potlucks and spa dates. Don't skimp on beauty sleep!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

October 23 to November 21
Admit it, Scorpio: You can be kind of intimidating, especially when you want to throw people off your trail. But early this week, retract the stinger and let your softer side peek through. Your vulnerability is your true power. (Just visualise Beyonce's Grammys performance if you need a little convincing.) A sweeter approach can forge alliances and win you a wider audience. Make sure you're not being combative in conversation. Instead of jumping in with questions or a fast reply, take a minute to reflect on what people are saying. Body language speaks volumes, too. Even something small as relaxing your jaw muscles and uncrossing your arms can put people at ease. And that's when you get to see what they're really all about. Sleuthing goals achieved!
Cupid comes a-calling this weekend, Scorpio — perhaps providing a much-needed do-over from Valentine's Day. Prepare to swoon! On Saturday, expressive Mercury heads into Pisces and your passionate fifth house followed by a potent Pisces solar eclipse on Sunday. A percolating attraction could erupt into a seriously hot hookup, one that may or may not have staying power. If nothing else, this will be a confidence booster and the start to your spring awakening. Coupled Scorpios could start making plans — ones that might involve apartment-hunting, ring-shopping or setting up a baby nursery, even. Follow that urge to merge!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

November 22 to December 21
On your mark, get set, and share! Not like anyone has to twist your arm when it comes to the TMI. With your ruler, candid Jupiter, getting a nudge from mouthy Mercury, your ideas are too good to keep to yourself. Speak your truth! Your words could make a lasting impact — and even woo someone important your way. Work it on social media too. Jupiter wants you to cast a wider net and Twitter may be the fastest way to connect to your kindred spirits in different cities; continents, even! Collaborate for a cause you believe in — possibly one that takes a stand for people whose rights are in jeopardy.
This weekend, it's time to cool your jets for a while. Mobile Mercury hunkers down in Pisces and your domestic zone until March 13 this Saturday. Even the Zodiac's nomad needs a homebody phase here and there. Now is prime time to spruce up your decor (and toss some stuff for good), shop for a new home, or throw a couple legendary dinner parties. Sunday’s the real powerhouse: A solar eclipse in Pisces could bring a major change to your living situation or personal life. Since March 2015, a series of eclipses has been reshuffling your work-life balance, helping you settle down a bit. You may be ready to put down roots or, conversely, uproot and move. Expect the unexpected and remember to go with the flow. An influential woman could play a large role in what happens now.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

December 22 to January 19
Lightbulb moment! A powerful alignment of genius Mercury and enterprising Jupiter will bring major downloads early this week. Ideas will flood in a mile a minute — and for a change, you could jump right on those plans instead of overthinking your every move. This celestial setup also helps you speak your mind, whether you're asking for support or adding your important feedback to a project at work. Your insightful commentary could draw attention of higher-ups, pegging you as an influencer. Don't be shy about letting corporate know of your intentions to move up in the company or spearhead an independent mission. You are a born leader, Capricorn. This week is all about gaining respect around the office.
On Saturday, chatty Mercury flutters into your third house of communication until March 13. Hello from the other side! This expressive cycle could spark some deep convos, in sync moments, and major epiphanies. On Sunday, a solar new moon eclipse in Pisces will bring more tweet-worthy news, a surprising conversation, or a burst of inspiration. No need to travel far to find your people! This third house rules hometown happenings — and the eclipse could suddenly spark your interest in civic activity. Rally neighbours to plan a spring block party or even think about running for office like these 35 women!
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

January 20 to February 18
Hello from the other side! Thinking outside of the box is as natural as breathing for you, Aquarius. And early this week, you have planetary permission to go wayyyyy out there with your brainstorming and creative pursuits. Don't just accept the status quo. Sure, things might be "fine," but you can do better than that. Visualise your ideal. If time and money weren't an object, how would you change your life and the world around you? You might even organise a think tank of other innovative people. Pick a topic like, "If women ran the world," or "how to make the office environment feel safe for all people," and let the discussion unfold. The only catch: Keep it proactive. For every complaint registered, each speaker must also come up with a creative solution.
Money's on your mind this weekend as messenger Mercury hunkers down in Pisces and your practical second house until March 13. Rework that budget and tighten up your belt a bit. (Or take our challenge and save £400 in one month!) Sunday's solar eclipse in Pisces can also open the gates of wealth — and in unexpected ways. A wave of prosperity could come seemingly out of left field, but such is the surprising nature of eclipses. Does a long-forgotten project have life left in it? Could one of your hobbies be a profitable side hustle? Explore! Take a peek at LinkedIn, too. A former coworker might be employed by your dream company. It certainly wouldn't hurt to reach out and see if they're hiring.
Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
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