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Your February Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by Alia Penner.Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

February is off to an energetic start — can you handle the heat? With the sun stirring it up in "power to the people" Aquarius until the 18th, there will be no shortage of protests, marches and hashtags to join. Fuelling this further? Renegade Mars, the zodiac's warrior, is celebrating a homecoming in Aries — the sign it is naturally associated with — until March 9. It won't be hard to get fired up about a cause — and sadly, there seems to be no shortage of Aquarian-themed humanitarian issues to rally behind at this moment in history.

It all makes sense astrologically. Coming together is the name of the game during Aquarius Season. And from the 18th on, the sun will pulse through Pisces, the zodiac's most compassionate sign. This is also the first full month for the lunar Rooster Year, and this creature's crowing #GetWoke call is resounding around the world. It will be fascinating to see what arises from the grassroots, especially near February 27 when Mars, revolutionary Uranus, and global Jupiter get into a cosmic dance.

February is also eclipse season — and we'll see two of the year's four such lunar events go down this month. (The second pair pops up in August.) On the 10th, a glowing lunar (full moon) eclipse lights up regal, expressive Leo but also opposes the sun in Aquarius. This could bring a showdown between the billionaires and the everyday citizens. Keep those picket signs handy or watch Leo Madonna's Women's March speech for the thousandth time as a surge of fearless inspiration. The second eclipse falls on February 26 in the sign of healing, compassionate Pisces. This one is the last in a series that began on March 20, 2015. Creative and spiritual developments that happened over the past two years could yield some powerful results in our lives. Forgiveness, letting go and putting up strong boundaries will be themes.

And lest you think we forgot about St. Valentine, take heart. On February 14, the moon will be in loving Libra, amplifying the amorous vibes of the day. The lunar eclipse in Leo on the 10th could rouse slumbering passion and bring some exciting declarations of love. With cosmic couple Venus and Mars swirling together in independent Aries all month, the key to keeping attraction alive lies in developing our own individual interests. Don't sleep on your dreams! Living them out loud only make you more magnetic to the one you adore.


January 20 to February 18

Step out and shine! February is Aquarius Season and you are in your element, Water Bearer. With the sun dancing through your sign until the 18th you feel a renewed sense of purpose and leadership. Follow your own compass, Aquarius, and be the proud unicorn — even if the world around you seems kind of bonkers. Your willingness to go after your dreams will inspire many. Is there a gap in your skill set? Now's the time to invest in Numero Uno. Sign up for specialised trainings, workshops and certification programs that can bump you into a higher pay grade. Squeeze in a private guitar or singing or snowboarding lesson. Nurturing your hobbies can be fruitful on a soul level.

Though your indie spirit is burning brightly, February could bring some very dynamic duos. From the 2nd on, cosmic companions Venus and Mars share a flight path through Aries and your charming, coquettish third house. Flirt without restraint and dabble on different dating apps. You might not feel like settling down right now but exploring options? Definitely. A kindred spirit could arrive on the scene — maybe a platonic pal who becomes your partner on a business project or a sexy FWB. If you're romantically attached, stock the shared calendar with more playdates. Don't rule out a more permanent merger! On the 10th, a lunar eclipse in Leo activates your committed relationship zone. You could soon be exchanging keys (or vows) or otherwise making your union more official. On the flip side, this eclipse could spring you free from an unsatisfying relationship. This is the first of a two-year series of eclipses that rock the Leo-Aquarius axis. Until January 19, you can plan on exponential growth for your personal life and your most important partnerships. Stay on your toes and embrace the rapid growth that is headed your way.

Life settles down a bit after the 18th when the sun kisses Aquarius goodbye and camps out in Pisces for a month. Focus on your finances. Could you make some coin form one of those creative ideas you drummed up during birthday season? With a solid plan, it's highly possible. The solar eclipse on the 26th could bring a job offer or a moneymaking venture that you can start as a side hustle. Set up a special savings account for a bigger splurge like a summer trip or the bag that goes with everything. And while you're at it, how about tucking away some of that coffee money for your future security?

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


February 19 to March 20

The hibernation station is calling, Pisces. Go settle down for that long winter's nap. With the sun chilling in your transitional 12th house for the first chunk of February, you may feel like your energy stores have been depleted. Instead of pushing yourself, take a breather. Bow out of activities that no longer feed you and clear more whitespace on your calendar for creative pursuits. A steady stream of bubble baths and spa treatments are just what the doctor ordered. When your momentum returns, deep clean and downsize. Clearing away excess — or anything that's just not you anymore — will make it easier to locate the treasures that make your soul sing. Don't underestimate the power of a disco nap! During this nocturnal cycle, which lasts until the 18th, you'll come awake under starlit skies. Dancing will be downright therapeutic whether you're bopping in the DJ booth or on a ballet barre.

Just don't snooze from 9-5! Your career game is strong this month as charming Venus and motivating Mars tandem twirl through your finance zone. Your formerly weird ideas will be embraced this month. (Hey, you were just a little ahead of your time.) Let your social pursuits double as résumé builders. Running that 5K with your coworkers or hitting the weekly industry meet-up could soon spell money in the bank. A lucrative lunar eclipse on the 10th could bring mega rewards for your diligence — but also a wellness wakeup call. Dial down the stress, Pisces, and start taking regular breaks to eat, breathe and return to your centre. Your productivity levels will spike once balance is restored.

Pisces Season begins on the 18th and it's time to celebrate you. Tick off an item on the old bucket list before March 20, be it a life-changing vacation or a kinky sexual fantasy. And here's the most amazing news of the month: On the 26th, a solar eclipse in Pisces will rock the skies. This is the final of three annual eclipses to hit your sign since March 20, 2015. Your growth over the past two years has been downright exponential. This eclipse could bring major rewards or the courage to finally leap onto a new life path.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


March 21 to April 19

Lights, camera, activism! February's stars charge you up with make-a-difference momentum. Until the 18th, the sun sails through Aquarius and your 11th house of community, technology and humanitarian issues. Be proactive: There's a cause out there that could benefit from your natural leadership skills. Pick up the bullhorn or start an informative Twitter feed to organise people around an important issue. In between rallies and volunteer gigs, bring people together for laid-back group hangs. You know so many interesting people, Aries: Why keep them all in separate fields? Be the Superconnector. People will be eternally grateful to you for linking them up.

Romantically, February promises to be sexy AF thanks to planetary playmates Venus and Mars uniting in Aries from the 2nd on. Fire! Your powers of attraction will be unparalleled this month. That said, settling down might not be on your agenda. And why should it be? With Cupid inviting you into his VIP lounge (with open bar), you'll enjoy sampling all your options. All the same, don't let a good one slip away. On the 10th, the Leo lunar eclipse could deliver a standout star for the role of your other half. If you're already in a relationship, this eclipse could usher in some dreamy developments — even some next-level leaps like a proposal or pregnancy! And with the moon in Libra and your commitment zone on V-Day, a laid-back love affair could become an official merger. All the same, you'll need your space, Aries. Don't slack on your independent interests this month. A little bit of absence makes your sex life hotter.

The month wraps on a sleepy note as the sun drifts into Pisces and your dreamy 12th house on the 18th. This monthlong cycle is all about letting go of the past. Tie up loose ends and ditch the old baggage before Aries Season begins on March 20. Supportive people are all around you and you could meet an incredible mentor near the solar eclipse on the 26th!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


April 20 to May 20

Power suit or fluffy PJs: How about both? February is a work hard/chill hard month for you, Taurus. Until the 18th, the sun sails through Aquarius and your 10th house of career. You'll be in your ambitious element, even clocking some evening and weekend hours in the name of achieving a goal. But if you find yourself burning too much midnight oil, remember that Aquarius is a communal sign. Use this solar cycle to draft your dream team. Many hands make light work! Don't shy away from the role of chief delegator. Letting go of certain tasks helps you focus on ones that are more profitable — or duties that prime you for a leap up the ladder. A helpful executive might even take you under their wing. Reach up and make a point of connecting to the people in charge — even if you have to play the happy helper to get a Hunter boot in the door.

Now for something a little more relaxing: From February 2nd on, cosmic companions Venus and Mars slip into Aries and your healing 12th house where they'll nest together until March 9. (Venus will hang here longer, until April 2.) When you're off duty, slip behind the scenes to recharge. Think bubble baths, beauty treatments and reading all those books on your Kindle. Does your home feel like a sanctuary? The lunar eclipse on the 10th could help bring peace under your roof. But that might also mean making swift changes like evicting a toxic roomie or even relocating.

February's Mars-Venus merger can also bring a fairy-tale quality to your love life. The catch: You might not be the best at telling fantasy from reality. Wear the rose-colored glasses on occasion while also allowing yourself peer through the harsh light of reality. (We promise, this can be sexy in its own way.) Did you suffer a recent heartbreak? Use February to mourn the loss, do tons of therapy and rebuild your self-confidence so you can make a better choice next time. Your social side returns with a vengeance when the sun sails into Pisces for a month on the 18th. Give the dating apps a whirl and let friends play matchmaker. You could swipe right successfully near the solar eclipse on the 26th!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


May 21 to June 20

Keep those borders open, Gemini — and consider yourself a one-woman sanctuary state, while you're at it. With the Aquarius sun activating your global ninth house until the 18th, you're like an astrological ambassador. Multicultural mingling will give you life this month — and you may rally openly behind a cause involving immigration or P.O.C. rights (no matter your own background). And with cosmic cohorts Venus and Mars in your "one love" 11th house from the 2nd on, you'll easily find your place among diverse groups of people. Play Superconnector between friend groups who might not otherwise get to know each other. This alone can be a world-changing political statement. A fateful friendship may emerge near the Leo lunar eclipse on the 10th. Time for twinning, Gemini — one of your sign's favourite activities.

Cupid is squarely in your corner on V-Day. The moon will linger in Libra and your romantic fifth house, setting the stage for a passionate plan to unfold. The only catch? With Venus and Mars in your ultra-chill 11th house you could wait too long to wake up to this. Whether single or spoken for, scout out options early in the month. Anything from an Airbnb with heart-shaped hot tub or a block of tickets to a post-punk, anti-Valentine's Day concert will do. The more will be the merrier, so gather your Not-So-Lonely Hearts Club of unattached friends or triple date with other couples. Throughout February, love could spring forth from the friend zone and you'll have extra luck on the dating apps.

Career commands your attention in the final third of the month. On February 18, the sun marches into Pisces and your 10th house of success. On the 26th, an electrifying Pisces solar eclipse follows suit — the last one in an eclipse series that began on March 20, 2015. Everything you've been building for over the past two years could culminate in a stunning moment of achievement. You are ready to leap into leadership, Gemini, and even become the face of a movement.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


June 21 to July 22

Power couple fantasies are dancing through your head — and in February you could make them a legit reality. From the 2nd on, heavenly heartthrobs Mars and Venus get in formation in your 10th house of prestige. If you've been settling for a low-performer (in and out of the bedroom), upgrade your arm candy. You need someone who will meet you halfway, not expect you to do all the heavy lifting in the relationship. With the Aquarius sun simmering in your erotic eighth house until the 18th, do what it takes to boost your own mojo. Move your body more often, dress in clothes that feel great against your skin and browse the archives of our very own Sex School. (Your toy drawer will thank you.) As for V-Day, plan an intimate night in or a warm-fuzzy dinner with your favourite Galentines. Single? You could meet your match through work this month. But tread lightly with those coworker crushes. If they come with a conflict of interest, leave them in the flirt-but-don't-touch category. In a relationship? Get more serious about your shared goals. How can you support each other's career paths and build greater financial security as a couple? Don't freak out if your S.O. wants to work abroad for a few months or you discover that a shared savings plan cuts into your brunch budget. These are opportunities for creativity, Cancer, and collaborating can make your bond stronger.

Money is on your mind this month and you could set yourself up for a huge win near the lunar eclipse on the 10th. Make sure your name is stamped all over your work so that a dodgy colleague can't take credit for your efforts. And as much as you want to head home to hibernate, pop by the office happy hours and industry networking events. Socialising with the influencers will get you in their good graces when promotion time rolls around. Ready for more gainful employment? Circulate your resume and LinkedIn before the eclipse.

Travel will be your sanity saver after the 18th when the Pisces sun activates your wanderlust for a month. Scout out a destination that's rich with history like Cuba or Croatia; or go check out the Northern Lights in Iceland. Keep WhatsApp open on your mobile: An exciting invitation could arrive from afar near the solar eclipse on the 26th. Now, where is your passport?

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


July 23 to August 22

Don't stress the fateful 14th, Leo. February is like Valentine's month for you as the sun slinks through your partnership houses. Until the 18th, everything's more laid-back as el sol nests in "anything goes" Aquarius. Vanilla valentine action? No thanks. You'll be in a far more experimental groove — especially since love planets Venus and Mars spend the month in Aries and your adventurous ninth house. Expand your search parameters in every way. Date a diverse pool of people, travel with your S.O. or give a long-distance relationship a whirl. Just don't waste your time trying to sew a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Cupid's advice is to keep it moving until you find someone who truly magnetises you on every level.

That person may arrive after the 18th when the sun slips into Pisces and your playing-for-keeps eighth house. Hello, toe-curling sexual exploration with a soulmate! Already found 'em? Things could get "happily ever after" official, especially near an electrifying solar eclipse on the 26th. Dating casually? Don't keep quiet about wanting a deeper connection. Your courage and candour will shift your love into high gear.

With all the amorous feelings swirling around, it might be easy to slip on your personal passions. But don't! With Mars and Venus in your indie-spirited ninth house all month, you could get started on your first novel, travel solo for a seminar or retreat or even get your own side hustle going. And on the 10th, the full moon in Leo arrives in the form of a supercharged lunar eclipse. This is the first in a series of five Leo eclipses that will rock the skies for the coming two years. Fasten your seatbelt! A wild ride of progress and exponential personal growth lies ahead. All you have to do, Leo, is say yes to the universe's bounty — and embrace the change that comes with progress.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


August 23 to September 22

On your marks, get set, glow! Your wellness warrior is at the wheel this February as the Aquarius sun simmers through your sixth house of healthy living. The key to success lies in developing regular, manageable routines — and this 30-day pushup challenge could be the perfect launch. Stock your kitchen with the right ingredients to make meal prep a cinch. Work will be busy, too, and you could finally get humming along on your 2017 projects. On the hunt for more gainful employment? Tap your community and all the social sites. A well-timed tweet could lead to a client pitch or interview. The lunar eclipse on the 10th could mark an important turning point. You may swiftly exit one post to capitalise on a more fruitful and fulfilling opportunity. Have your CV ready because this could happen fast!

Don't overbook yourself, even if you are in demand. From the 2nd on, planetary paramours Venus and Mars sync up in Aries and your erotic eighth house. During this sultry cycle, you'll want to have space in your schedule for, uh, intimate connections. Stock the hibernation station with aphrodisiacs and adult toys. You and a VIP guest star may soon be spicing things up with one of these bedroom games. Already attached? Your urge to merge could reach a fever pitch in February. Capitalise on those V-Day vibes to bring up the "what's next for us?" convo — and don't be surprised if the object of your affections has similar ideas up their sleeve (or even in a ring box).

Another push for partnerships arrives on the 18th when the sun sails into Pisces and your relationship zone for a month. Whether for business or pleasure, it's time to pair up. On the 26th, a powerful solar eclipse in Pisces could also shift a relationship into fifth gear. This is the final eclipse in a series that rocked the Pisces-Virgo axis since March 20, 2015. All the work you've done on yourself over the past couple years is really paying off — and people are taking notice. As the month draws to a close, open up about your dreams and desires. Your candour could magnetise a mate with similar goals.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


September 23 to October 22

Ready for a little cosmic cosplay? February's frisky and flamboyant starmap sounds the call for unbridled self-expression. Wear it loud and proud with a teal cat-eye or maybe a natural faux hawk. Or go for a minimalist make-under — whatever feels like "you" right now. Then, get ready for your close-up as you could find yourself in the public eye before February 18. What do you stand for and where can you be useful as a leader? You'll be asked to vocalise your values this month — which can be a little scary for your diplomatic and conflict-averse sign. But as the saying goes, "She who stands for nothing falls for everything." You're far too powerful for that, Libra, so do your research and clarify your truth. You could be the peaceful bridge between people who aren't seeing eye to eye.

Relationships are in the spotlight all month as your ruler, charming Venus floats alongside her planetary paramour Mars in Aries and your house of committed relationships. Bonus: The moon will be in Libra on Valentine's Day, putting you in Cupid's good graces. Here's the question: Are you being treated with the love and care you deserve? No settling! But before you go deleting your Tinder profile or dumping your "negligent" partner, see what happens if you switch up your own strategy. Stop giving more than you're getting in return — and start spelling out your desires. There's a chance your dates and mates just need clearer directions on how to please you. Keep the dating apps open: The lunar eclipse on the 10th could bring a lucky swipe.

After the 18th, break out the athleisure and renew your Pilates pass. The sun pulses into Pisces and your wellness zone for a month. Working out and healthy eating won't feel like a sacrifice; in fact, your energy and productivity will swell as a result. On the 26th, the solar eclipse in Pisces could bring exciting news for your professional life. A dream job or plum assignment could land in your lap. Keep your ears perked for opportunity and don't be afraid to get a little competitive. The squeaking wheel gets the oil.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


October 23 to November 21

Pussy hats: on! The spirit of sisterhood sweeps through your realm this February, marking you as the leader of your very own bad girl army. Get ready to meet some amazing women as the Aquarius sun sashays through your feminine fourth house until the 18th. Whether you're collaborating on business projects, road tripping to protests, or celebrating Galentine's Day full-on, you'll garner so much courage through these connections. Domestic urges are also activated. In February, Chateau Scorpio could become the warm hearth where everyone gathers on the regular. Feather your nest until it feels like a creative sanctuary. Tip: To make a room feel bigger, try painting the ceiling a dark colour, even your sign's signature black.

Cosmic collaborators Mars and Venus unite in Aries and your wellness zone from the 2nd on. Give your body some love! Mars will keep you energised and motivated while Venus reminds you to find pleasurable forms of exercise and nourishment. (Translation: You don't have to plug a green juice IV into your veins to be healthy.) Work will be exciting, but also a little stressful with so many people wanting a piece of your time. That's all the more reason to incorporate some nooners at the yoga studio or gym. You might just meet your match in the free weights room — Mars and Venus are the love planets after all. Circle February 10 for a major moment in your career. The full moon in Leo — a magical lunar eclipse — lands in your 10th house of success pushing your achievements into the spotlight. Let the influencers in on your latest wins, then, get ready to join their ranks.

St. Valentine schedules a follow-up visit on the 18th when the sun floats into Pisces and your passionate fifth house for a month. Love is in the air, Scorpio, and it's your turn to take the lead. Romance doesn't "just happen," you create it whether you're actively pursuing or tantalising and seducing. The solar (new moon) eclipse on the 26th could deliver a promising prospect — and things can heat up fast! Already attached? This eclipse can accelerate your connection. What's next: ring sizing, apartment hunting, meeting the parents…even a baby? Highly possible.

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


November 22 to December 21

No need to wait for spring to emerge from the cocoon. With the Aquarius sun lighting bonfires in your expressive third house until the 18th, you're a monarch among social butterflies. Circulate, Sagittarius — with old friends and new acquaintances. This is a month for dabbling until you discover what lights you up and what causes are calling your name. Share, post, rally your squad. People will catch a contact high just from being around you. They might not be able to keep up, however, so don't feel obligated to bring your merry band of revellers everywhere you go. As one of the Zodiac's most independent signs, you love traveling solo and spending time in your own company. The Leo lunar eclipse on the 10th will activate your wanderlust and your daring nature. Schedule a journey near this day, especially one with an educational component. That teacher training or yoga retreat (in Tulum!) is calling.

Romantically, February is pure fire. Love planets Venus and Mars are heating things up in Aries and your passionate firth house from the 2nd on. Romance heats up at record speed — careful not to burn things out by falling too fast. A little self-control can keep the thrill going strong. Dates who feigned disinterest could pop back up, admitting that they were actually just intimidated by you. (It's true.) Coupled? You'll need more playtime together both in and out of the bedroom. Dress up, hit the red-carpet parties (hello, Awards season) and enjoy copious rounds of PDA. Have a protection plan in place…or not. This fertile cycle could summon the stork. If you're into it, well, start setting up that baby nursery, why dontcha? On a personal note, this fame-fuelled transit could spur you to set up a photo shoot or start your own video series on Facebook Live. This could be the perfect excuse to debut an edgy new look in the spirit of Sagittarius style mavens Janelle Monae and Miley Cyrus.

Everything calms down a bit after the 18th when the sun nests in Pisces and your domestic zone for a month. Unpack the suitcase and get settled in at Chez Sagittarius. You'll feel more grounded once you do. Plus, you'll have an excuse to host some dinner parties with recipes from food-obsessed sign-mate Chrissy Teigen's cookbook. Is it time to rent a new apartment or even think about buying your starter home? The solar eclipse on the 26th could push plans in motion. Find a place you love and don't settle!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.


December 22 to January 19

Got your Hunter boots on solid ground? February's stars help you settle down — or at least slow your roll so you can reclaim your serenity. It's hard to make a savvy decision when your thoughts and emotions are all over the map, Capricorn. Give yourself a chance to pull back and reflect while the sun is in Aquarius and your house of practical magic until the 18th. Getting into a basic routine can be magic. How do you start your mornings? Instead of dashing out the door with only a slurp of coffee after checking emails for an hour, rise in a conscious way. Before you turn on the computer, open up a meditation app and your journal; do some stretches and get a healthy breakfast in your belly. You're going to need to be centred because work will be quite busy this month. You might be embarking on a new job or assignment, even, and focus is required.

Social activities — including the romantic variety — might be best enjoyed in your own home. From the 2nd on, cosmic copilots Venus and Mars build a nest in Aries and your cozy fourth house. Not only will this fuel a decorating spree but you'll love entertaining. The fourth house is the feminine realm making it all the more essential to gather with a group of conscious sisters. Think: a weekly Sex and the City- style "support brunch" (the aughts are back), a feminist book club, a networking lecture series with the women in your industry.

When it comes to love, the Mars-Venus merger makes things steamier behind closed doors. If you're ready to cohabit, you could be signing a lease on a love nest or at least clearing out a few more hangers for bae. The lunar eclipse on the 10th could make a casual connection exclusive or push coupled Caps towards a proposal or another major milestone. This will be a hella sexy eclipse no matter what, so plan for an early V-Day — and wear the good lingerie. Your flirtatious nature heats up again after the 18th when the sun switches it up in Pisces and your social third house. Your attention span will be shorter, so get out more often with your other half. Single? Love could arrive from the friend zone, especially near the solar eclipse on the 26th. Who knew?!

Illustrated by Alia Penner.
Photographed by Jason Rodgers.

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