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Your Horoscope This Week — Jun 26 2016

Photographed by John LisleIllustrated by Christine Hahn.

Summon your inner Amber Rose. This week’s sex-positive starmap has zero shame in its game. On Wednesday, red-hot Mars snaps out of a retrograde that started in lusty Sagittarius on April 17, then backtracked into steamy Scorpio on May 27. This wasn’t exactly an ice-cold shower, but it certainly slowed down the spring-fever vibes. Ah, well, summer lovin’ can more than make up for it now that Mars is back on point. Until August 2, the red planet slinks seductively through Scorpio, sounding the call for pleasure and playtime. (A little role-playing, anyone?) But be forewarned: Mars energy is a potent brew, especially in Scorpio. Avoid coming on too strong, and check any jealousy before it overtakes your rational brain. Remember, too, that sex is sex and love is love. Sometimes they come in the same package, but you can’t force it!

Also, on Wednesday, chatty Mercury changes signs, leaving garrulous Gemini and chilling in caretaking Cancer until July 13. Enough with the random acquaintances filling all our spare hours. It’s time to give close friends and family top priority. J.T.’s "Can’t Stop the Feeling" could be the song of the summer for a few weeks, because this Mercury cycle definitely makes everyone a lot more emo. Don’t fight the feels, but don’t feel obligated to discuss every last one of them over wine slushies. A locked diary can be your best friend during these intimate three weeks.


June 21 to July 22

Incoming arrows! Cupid's quiver is marked "Cancer" this week, so open your heart and give him a clear shot. On Wednesday, passion planet Mars snaps out of a 10-week retrograde and powers forward through your fifth house of true romance until August 2. You could meet — and seriously pursue — someone who loves and appreciates your soulful brand of sensitivity. This glamorous Mars cycle sounds the call for dress-up dates and the accompanying photo opps. You could even be inspired to set up a bona fide shoot, so you have cute images to use for business purposes, dating apps, and general "Damn, I'm fierce" vanity moments. (No apologies needed, Cancer.)

Got babies or wedding bling on the brain? Existing relationships will progress at a galloping pace, which could even come along with a bit of pressure. Romantic as it all may seem, there's a ton of responsibility that comes along with being a spouse or parent. Don't let the frenetic energy of Mars push you to move faster than you're ready for. But if you're seeing nothing but a string of green lights, let the Cinderella story commence! Speaking up for your needs will be easier than ever, as messenger Mercury makes his annual stopover to your sign from Wednesday until July 13. There’s no silencing you now, so open up — and speak out against injustices. Although your warrior spirit is strong, do watch your temper when it comes to minor infractions. People will see you as a leader now, but don't overload yourself with responsibility because you'll need more time to explore your own interests — without your squad (love them, but…) slowing you down.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Home sweet home? Ever since Mars retrograded back into your domestic zone on May 27, you may have been dealing with some aggravating issues under your roof. If it wasn't an inconsiderate roomie, a family member may have gotten under your skin. But no need to call the U-Haul or evacuate to an off-the-grid island…yet. This Wednesday, the red planet corrects course and helps you address conflicts proactively between now and August 2. This might even involve renegotiating space or finances. Did you give up the master bedroom to be "nice," yet find yourself irritated at splitting the rent 50/50? Little things like this must be addressed, because authentic communication is the healing balm for your closest connections. Powerful women will be your beacons for the coming five weeks. Get in good with the influential ladies at work or in your community. This could lead to collaborations or doors being opened on your behalf.

Just make sure you aren't overextending yourself in the process of pleasing people. Mercury moves into your murky 12th house from Wednesday until July 13, which could blur important lines. Be stricter with yourself about setting boundaries. If it's hard to say a firm no, try, "Let me get back to you on that." You definitely need to check your schedule and your energy levels before heaping another obligation onto your plate. Turning people down doesn't make you a bad friend. This Mercury cycle will summon the muse, so it's super-important that you have enough meditative "me time" to sprout those seeds of creative genius the universe is offering.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Gather your soul squad, Virgo! This Wednesday, social Mercury flits into your 11th house of teamwork and collaboration until July 13. Surround yourself with great people — ones who adore you, even when you’re in a “mood.” You could meet them online or IRL. Just make a point of expanding your extracurricular horizons, because your mind will be hungry for intellectual stimulation. This three-week Mercury phase gets your digital dreams in motion. Got designs on creating an app, selling your handmade jewellery on Etsy, or peddling downloadable products like music, podcasts, or e-courses? Or maybe becoming a legit YouTuber? These plans could come to life at fiberoptic speed now. No matter what your ambitions, opportunities will come straight from your social network so post a status update and watch the magic unfold.

Another reason your social life is heating up? Red-hot Mars pivots out of a 10-week retrograde on Wednesday and burns it up in your third house of communication until August 2. To say you have the gift of gab would be putting it mildly. You could sell the whole damn Sunset Menu to a Starbucks barista. Pair up for pleasure and productivity. Working the buddy system will be a true win-win. And embrace the power of the keypad! You’ll be in the zone when it comes to writing or creating any kind of media. Post regularly on your blog, Snapchat, or Insta, and watch your traffic grow!

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Money-management time! Given your Libran love for life’s finer things (lightweight silk dresses, £20 haute burgers…), it’s never hard for you to find something to blow a paycheque on. But this Wednesday, whistle-blower Mars snaps to attention in your second house of financial security, insisting that you indulge responsibly. Do you have a budget, Libra? Spend a week tracking your expenses, like the women in our Money Diaries series. The awareness alone will be illuminating. There are also crazy-simple ways to save money — here are some tips. With a few tweaks, you could see a boost in your bank balance and realise how much relief it brings to have funds set aside for when you need them. And don’t ignore your earnings! This Mars phase gives you momentum for getting ahead at work. Show your dedication and hustle, and you’ll have a strong case for a raise and promotion — or for locking down new clients — before the summer is through.

Another helpful hit in the career department comes via messenger Mercury. From Wednesday until July 13 the planet of communication spins through your 10th house of success. Split your spare time between pool parties and professional pitch meetings — or handle both simultaneously by investing in a membership at a social club where the influencers hang. But Soho House membership or not, you can still make magic by offering strategic support to the office superstars who might just help you get ahead in return for your loyal service. Communicating with men will be lively and inspiring with Mercury here. Surround yourself with great guys and reconnect to the ones in your fam.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Summer slump? Hell to the no! But with driven Mars in a low-power retrograde through Scorpio since May 27, your mood, focus, and energy levels have been all over the place. Good news! This Wednesday, the #cantstopwontstop red planet corrects its course and powers forward through your sign until August 2. Finally, you can get your big plans in motion and start feeling the rewards of productivity and progress again. Carpe diem with that hustle, though! After this, Mars won’t be back to Scorpio until December 2017, so you want to strike now, while the iron is scorching. Mars already visited your sign once this year, from January 3 to March 5. Projects you began then could take off at warp speed again. Get moving, but watch the stress! The red planet can make you anxious, so keep some blank space in your calendar for that much-needed me time.

Keep WhatsApp and Skype open. From Wednesday until July 13, messenger Mercury spins through your ninth house of travel and cross-cultural connections. You could rekindle a friendship with someone you met on vacation or hatch a plan to visit your amiga who moved abroad. This Mercury phase will also awaken your entrepreneurial spirit. Take those solopreneur ideas that have been swirling around seriously. If nothing else, you can start mapping out a plan for first steps. Anything can be achieved, Scorpio, if you break the project down to phases and get moving.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Where is that Dead of Knight Kylie Lip Kit when you need it? (Sold out in 30 minutes…damn.) Your inner goth could certainly have used it this week, as messenger Mercury dips into your esoteric eighth house until July 13. While you're usually an open book, keep a strict privacy policy in place. Blurting out your business — especially if it involves other people — could come back to haunt you. Relationships can grow stronger if you discuss issues directly instead of consulting a tribunal of outsiders for their opinions. This Mercury cycle brings sexy back. A bubbling connection could deepen — or divide. It’s all or nothing for you now, so tell the slackers to ghost!

On Wednesday, intense and passionate Mars wakes up from a 10-week retrograde that started on April 17 in Sagittarius (stressful!) and scooted back into Scorpio and your 12th house of healing on May 27. For the past month, you've been feeling kind of spacey and rather low-key. But from Wednesday until August 2, Mars' U-turn wakes up your drive once again. You're ready to clean house and deal with issues that you've swept under the rug since late spring. Work with a mentor, therapist, holistic healer, or even a spiritual guide. Tying up loose ends has another benefit: On August 2, the red planet revisits your sign for the second time in 2016 (the first was March 5 to May 27) and your personal projects and independent ventures could blast into orbit. Don't drag any excess baggage along for this stratospheric liftoff: It's time to let go of past pains.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Feeling overwhelmed? Embrace the spirit of teamwork this week, as motivator Mars snaps out of retrograde and charges ahead in your collaborative 11th house until August 2. Let go so that you can grow — and, hey, maybe enjoy a few more days of taking back the beach. This tech-savvy Mars cycle can also help you make your mark in the digital world. Make a point of getting all your devices synced and up to speed. Spruce up your social media profiles, and consider learning a new software program if it will bump you into a higher pay grade. Socially, this Mars cycle inspires you to get out more often…and with bigger groups of people. Start the search for your tribe, or, if you’ve found it, pick up the entertainment director’s baton and get everyone organised into an amazing lineup of plans.

On Wednesday, communicative Mercury moves into your partnership-oriented seventh house until July 13. A bright chapter for your love life is underway. Expressive Mercury helps you be more candid about what you desire. If that’s still foggy for you, try making a vision board of your dream scenario. Clip love-related images that inspire you, and all will be revealed.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Is the summer heat slowing your workout mojo? Excuses, excuses, Aquarius. On Wednesday, messenger Mercury blows the shrill whistle, snapping you out of that languid reverie and inspiring you to hit the Pilates or dance studio…or maybe that saltwater pool. But Mercury loves to keep things simple and systematic. Create playlists that get you pumped, spring for a Fitbit band that matches your summer colour scheme, download fitness apps — preferably ones that allow you to set the length of time you’d like to work out. Hey, 10 minutes of HIIT is better than nothing! Work could be a bit more demanding while Mercury rolls through this part of your chart until July 13. Stay organised (again, the apps), and consider outsourcing or enlisting an intern if you’re overloaded.

On Wednesday, motivator Mars pivots out of a 10-week retrograde and ploughs ahead through your ambitious 10th house until August 2. The next five weeks could be epic for your career, but here’s the catch: You have to stop doing everything all by yourself. Think like the queen bee instead of the drone. If hiring someone from TaskRabbit opens up time for you to, say, polish up your CV, finish the text for your personal website, or rehearse for a client presentation that’s stressing you out, it’s money well spent. Maybe you have to skip a boozy brunch or two, sure, but play the long game. If you make time now for the work that actually helps you get ahead, you’ll be able to buy a whole round of frozen margaritas for the table in the not-too-distant future.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Shakespeare In the Park, anyone? Your theatrical side takes a turn at the wheel between now and July 13, as expressive Mercury lights it up in your flamboyant fifth house. Maybe you’ll be the actual starlet, with a stirring on-stage performance. Or perhaps, you’ll create something masterful behind the scenes, or revel in your status as an arts appreciator by hitting up the hottest exhibits, film openings, and music festivals. Have you taken the neutral-palette thing a little too far? Maybe it's time to colourbomb your wardrobe — and your hair and makeup. Romantically, this Mercury cycle wants you to be more assertive. Take the wheel in affairs of the heart, sprinkling a sexy trail that leads your love interest straight into your bed. Already attached? Kill the Netflix nights and go paint the town purple as a pair. Some Pisces could even get engaged or preggers by mid-July!

Have you been stalling on summer-vacation plans? No más, Pisces. On Wednesday, thrill-seeking Mars ends a 10-week retrograde and zips ahead through your jet-setting ninth house until August 2. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, so book the round-trip tickets to that far-flung corner of the world, even if you have to hit up some hostels or couch-surf for part of the journey. If you feel like being spontaneous, here are 13 affordable vacays you can take at the last minute. Your startup-loving side gets a boost from Mars, making the next five weeks an optimal time to develop that organic skin-care line or sell your handcrafted wares on Etsy…or at a booth at the summer festivals. Being your own boss doesn’t have to be a distant dream if you get proactive now.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Green-eyed monster got you in his grips? With intense and lusty Mars (your cosmic ruler) backtracking through your possessive eighth house since May 27, you may have Dougie'd with that demon on more than one occasion. Good news! On Wednesday, Mars pivots out of retrograde and helps you use your passions proactively. Until August 2, the red planet will burn it up in the sexiest sector of your chart — bringing serious momentum to your love life. Kill the cat-and-mouse games, and stop the endless swiping. Instead, invite your crush du jour to hang out so you can test the chemistry in real time. Existing relationships could hit a make-it-or-break-it moment. Ask the scary questions; find out if they're into you. There's no point in putting in any more effort unless you know the feelings are mutual. And if they are, your fantasies could finally come to life!

On Wednesday, communicator Mercury dips into Cancer and your emo fourth house until July 13. Stop serving up the tough love (to others and to yourself), and try a little tenderness. This will be a relief, Ram, because aren't you a little tired of having to play problem-solver for your squad? You're off the hook. For the next few weeks, start with a hug and compassionate sentiments like, "Ugh, that sounds really hard," or, "Wow, I'm sorry to hear that." That's it. Then, turn the focus back to your own feelings, which you've been judging rather harshly. Surround yourself with supportive friends who will rub your back during an ugly cry and love you unconditionally. The sooner you feel those feels, the quicker you'll get back to your happy place.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

The urge to merge can lead you down some interesting paths, Taurus — and sometimes, you go astray. With passion planet Mars retrograde in the relationship houses of your chart for the past 10 weeks, you may have made a few wrong turns. Either that, or things have just been puttering along at a slower pace than you'd like. But all that changes this Wednesday, as Mars corrects course and powers ahead through Scorpio and your partnership house until August 2. Say sayonara to anyone who’s dared to string you along — they’re basically a bad investment of your valuable time. Already chilling in the couple bubble? The pace picks up and progress starts happening, especially if you take the lead. What's next on your romantic goal sheet: ring-shopping? Exchanging keys? Let your desires be known after Wednesday, but gently because high-pressure Mars can make you unwittingly come on too strong.

Fortunately, your gift of gab gets a golden boost when, on Wednesday, messenger Mercury cruises into your cooperative, communicative third house until July 13. Not only does this make it easier to hash out win-wins, but you'll also make a hell of a sales pitch. Drum up excitement using social media and by sharing compelling personal experiences. Your social life gets a major boost now, but hold off on bestowing the BFF label. The connections you make over the coming three weeks will be magical, but also brief. Some people are only in your life for a season — or for an epic, starry night of dancing and nonstop conversation at a festival — but they can still have a lasting impact, inspiring you to expand your horizons.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Roll out of the hammock and grab your yoga mat. This Wednesday, motivator Mars snaps out of snooze mode (retrograde) and grapevines into your sixth house of healthy living until August 2. Your fitness goals may have been sidelined since late May, but who has time to dwell? Recommit to regular exercise, and make sure it's fun. Try an African-dance class, stand-up paddleboarding, or our own 30-day challenge. Regular movement will wake up your energy levels, help you focus, and boost productivity at work — a good thing, since Mars is going to make things pretty damn busy at the office for the next five weeks.

Thankfully, you'll be in a money-minded mode, even as friends slip off for midweek beach jaunts while you're laboring away at your laptop. From Wednesday until July 13, messenger Mercury cruises through your money house and actually makes you interested in the work you're doing — particularly if it pays decently. If not, refresh your résumé and your LinkedIn profile. If there's a gap in your skill set, sign up for a summer class or plow through a software tutorial that can get you up to snuff. Since Mercury rules your social life, a golden opportunity could come as a result of your networking efforts — a good reason to attend an influencer-packed event or to put out your feelers with successful friends.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.

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