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Your December Horoscope, Revealed

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Charter that sleigh and set off on a pre-holiday getaway. The Sagittarius sun ignites wanderlust until December 21, giving us a hall pass to explore new turf — or at least book that early-2017 vacation to Cuba, Costa Rica, or the Colorado slopes. Close to home, the stage is set for honest dialogues with #StrongerTogether Sagittarius ruling the skies. Diverse groups can unite around a common cause and celebrate differences instead of letting them be divisive. It's kind of a blessing that Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa all happen simultaneously this year. And with cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars entwined in offbeat Aquarius from December 7 to 19, some unexpected romances might be the fringe benefit of all that melting-pot mingling.

Brace yourself for some mansplaining throughout the month. On the 2nd, messenger Mercury embarks on an extra-long tour through patriarchal Capricorn, which lasts until February 7 — and includes (glug) a retrograde from December 19 until January 8. This doesn't have to put a signal-scrambling spin on celebrations. If you plan to fete the holidays with not-so-woke blokes, come prepared with well-researched data for discussions; or, continue to declare politics a conversational no-fly zone until early 2017.

But do plan holiday hangouts with your humanitarian friends and activist allies. Revolutionary Uranus will get a charge from strategic Saturn on the 24th, and world-changing Jupiter on the 26th. Would a few people on your gift list appreciate a charitable donation made in their name? This year, we're betting yes.

New Year's Eve will be dreamy, albeit discombobulating. Daredevil Mars syncs up with fantasy-fueler Neptune in Pisces, the sign that rules both esoteric matters and escapism. Let's be honest: 2016 had some hellish moments. With all the political pain and legendary departures (RIP David Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen…the list goes on), most of us will not be sorry to see it in our rearview mirrors. But the Mars-Neptune merger wants us to be cautious with our cathartic releases this NYE. Sip water in-between Champagne refills, and don't let your drunk BFF get into an Uber with some rando creeper. Some may choose to ring in 2017 in a more soulful way, like with a candlelit ceremony, vision-board soiree, or even a sober dance party. And if you have some tears to shed as the ball drops, let them flow! We promise, we feel ya there!


November 22 to December 21

Keep the Champagne flowing, Sagittarius. December is always your month, with birthday and holiday season falling back-to-back. The sun will be blazing in Sagittarius until the 21st, igniting your independent spirit. Don't think twice about pursuing your passions, whether you're starting a band or spearheading a protest. With go-getter Mars in Aquarius and your social third house until the 19th, you'll easily find allies for any missions. Charming Venus jumps into Aquarius, from December 7 to January 3, helping you get into a holiday headspace, despite all the chaos on the world stage. And who says socialising isn't a form of revolution? You're the zodiac's cultural ambassador — and Aquarius (where Venus and Mars are parked) is the sign of activism. Commune around a cause, and you'll find your kindred spirits. Make a statement about unity by bringing together your diverse friend group for some pre-holiday hangouts.

Romantically, you're a bit of a moving target this month as the Venus-Mars duo activates your flirtatious nature. Even the coupled Archer is not above an "Oops!" moment under the mistletoe, while single Sagittarians could feel the sparks with someone from the friend zone. The full moon on the 13th will light up your committed-partnership corner, so if it's time to level up that relationship (or call it quits), you could have some announcements to make mid-month. Experimental Uranus chats up Saturn and Jupiter during Christmastime, which could stabilise certain connections and bring some explosive passion to others. You'll be tempted to stretch your boundaries in love — even playing out one of your wilder fantasies. Explore safely, Archer, and if you have to sneak around on your S.O., consider it a no-go. The heat of the moment will pass, and you don't need a secret on your conscience.

Keep your mind on your money, especially while loading up on holiday gifts and booking those "let's meet for drinks" plans. Social Mercury will be in your budget-minded second house from December 2 until February 7 — including a signal-jamming retrograde from December 19 to January 8. Every night doesn't have to be a Kylie Jenner-level blowout. And with the sun joining Mercury there on the 21st, you could be in quite the industrious mood as the year turns over. Develop an independent income stream, or get ahead on projects so you can position yourself for advancement in early 2017. NYE may find you in a homebody mood, so stay in and sip bubbles or rent a cozy Airbnb with your squad. Even if you do hit the party circuit, huddle up with your inner circle. A rocking house party will be far more your thing than some huge, overpriced club — unless, of course, you get a personal invite to the VIP room. With all the social mojo you have this month, that is a strong possibility!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Oh, the power of persuasion! On December 2, expressive Mercury moves into Capricorn for a longer-than-usual stay, until February 7. This cosmic gift makes you mentally agile and verbally nimble — people just can't say no to you as December dawns. Got something to pitch, perform, or present? Start now, because Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 until January 8, a time best used for developing your brilliant gems on the DL for an early-2017 reveal. Having Mercury retrograde in your sign for the holidays won't be the easiest thing, since people will be more likely to misread you. Plan strategically to avoid problems. For example, if you're a diehard progressive who's thinking of celebrating Christmas with a table full of Trump supporters, you might opt out of that fete and celebrate with likeminded friends instead. Better to skip a day of drama than to permanently burn bridges with people who you can't really ex out of your life, like say, your honey's parents or your conservative brother.

Capricorn season begins on the 21st, when the sun beams into your sign until February 19. Double celebrations! Despite Mercury's retrograde, you'll be in good spirits, feeling proactive and adventurous. Make sure your calendar includes enough "me time," so you can relax enough to be inspired about your personal projects. Creatrix Venus will be in your house of practical magic from December 7 to January 3, so you could make major headway on a painting, screenplay, or photo series. And the full moon on the 13th could bring a major moment for your career — one that could come with a raise or new title. From December 24 to 26, you'll love being with family…in small bytes. Don't overload yourself with responsibilities. A career matter may call you away from the festivities, especially on the 26th, but be mindful of the balance between work and home or you could get bogged down by coworkers and relatives alike.

NYE is when you get to sate your social streak — at last! Go full-on with your celebrations as engine-revving Mars and "let it all hang out" Neptune sync up in your fun-loving third house. You might even enjoy hosting the bash or curating a great group of friends for a round of party-hopping. Plant yourself in the heart of the action, maybe caravanning to a cool city and piling into a couple hotel rooms for the night so you can sip Champagne and just Uber back to your quarters at dawn. And make your resolutions on the 29th, when the new moon in Capricorn marks your astrological New Year, setting you up for a brand-new six-month cycle of success!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Whoosh! You'll barely have a chance to catch your breath this December, with such a busy cosmic lineup in store. Go-getter Mars is tearing up in Aquarius until the 19th, bringing serious momentum for your passion projects and end-of-year goals. The red planet only visits your sign every other year, so be unapologetically focused on your mission. From December 7 to January 3, amorous Venus sweeps into your sign, making you the most radiant of them all. Single? Swipe to your heart's content. You won't be so keen on settling down right now, but that won't stop you from having a good time. Even coupled Water Bearers could use some room to flirt and explore new scenes. With the Sagittarius sun lighting up your ultra-social 11th house until the 21st, December will bring a huge popularity spike. Mingling as a couple can be fun, but if your S.O. has a different social style than you, go out independently, too. When it comes to getting frisky, you'll be in your experimental element. The full moon on the 13th could bring a thrilling development for your love life, so don't be shy about sharing your desires that day.

Your nomadic nature will be piqued this holiday season, as curious Mercury glides through your escapist 12th house from December 2 until February 7. Your attention to detail won't be the sharpest, but your creative juices will be flowing. Dive into a meditation practice, because some genius ideas can flow in while you're lounging in savasana. Road trip, anyone? On December 26, your ruler Uranus in your restless third house will get a tempting travel offer from Jupiter. You could be off to a fun destination, hours after the presents are unwrapped. But on the 24th, traditional Saturn teams up with Uranus, which could make this a great year to play host for your "chosen family." Hey, how about enjoying the best of both worlds by celebrating together in an Airbnb... One catch: Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 to January 8, so book in advance and read all the reviews. Keep your itinerary flexible, too, because there could be lots of last-minute scheduling changes to deal with.

Mars moves on to Pisces from December 19 to January 28, putting your mind onto more practical matters — like how you're going to make some serious bank in 2017. Work could get busier before this year is through, and the new moon on the 29th could bring word of a job offer or position for which you'd like to apply. That same day, your ruling planet Uranus snaps out of a retrograde that began on July 29, which can give you more mojo for pursuing your professional aspirations — and finding people who can help you take your dreams to the finish line. This Mars cycle might tame your NYE celebrations a bit, despite festive Venus' stance in Aquarius. You can still be a wild child without losing your damn mind. Add a dash of high-end sophistication, like a dress-up dinner, before you hit the dance floor.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Game on, Pisces! The holiday-party circuit is not only your playground this December, it's also a giant professional-networking opportunity. With the sun beaming through your ambitious 10th house until the 21st, you could make huge strides toward success before 2016 wraps. On the 19th, go-getter Mars makes his biennial visit to Pisces, charging you up with momentum until January 28. Deck the halls with LinkedIn invites, pitches, proposals, and power lunches. Even if you don't hear back from people until early 2017, your initiatives will have an impact. Reach out to people from your past, too. From December 19 until January 8, Mercury will be retrograde in your communal 11th house. A team you worked with successfully in the past could be up for another collaboration. Don't be shy about talking shop during the holidays too. A cash-positive alignment between stable Saturn and innovative Uranus on the 24th could bring surprising support or advice from a successful relative or reveller.

Romantically, December will have plenty of fairy-tale moments, thanks to cosmic lovebirds Mars and Venus paying visits your 12th house of fantasy. Let yourself get swept away but don't lose your foothold in reality. It might take until early 2017 to really understand a certain someone's intentions. For best results, strengthen the friendship aspect of your connection by going to concerts, parties and dinners together. If Cupid wants you together, your relationship will evolve organically. Passion can definitely heat up when Mars enters your sign on the 19th, but Mercury's retrograde still cautions against being too direct instead of letting the romantic vibes build up slowly and deliciously.

New Year's Eve will be ultra-special for you this year: Your ruling planet, ethereal and glamorous Neptune syncs up with wild child Mars at the same degree of Pisces — a cosmic coupling that could find you swinging from the chandeliers. Plan for a blowout bash; treat yourself to the VIP tickets or orchestra seats. You'll have no trouble cutting loose, which might just be a warning label since your sign can be prone to excess. Push the envelope, sure, but be mindful of your body's limits and the blood alcohol level of anyone you get into a car with that night. Before you hit the party scene, take time to draft some wishes and resolutions for 2017 because this planetary pairing sets the stage for masterful manifestation. Since a picture says a thousand words, a vision-boarding pre-party could be the perfect way to start the night.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Zero Pinocchios for you, Aries. With the sun beaming through your honest-to-a-fault ninth house until the 21st, you cannot tell a lie. For the most part, this is a positive, but easy with that truth hammer. Without a softer, tactful deliver, your words could get lost in translation. Even more so after the 19th when Mercury turns retrograde in your foggy 12th house, creating some spotty reception until January 8. Heed those warning flags and your real talk will be refreshing; revolutionary, even. One of your visionary ideas could take flight and even turn into a career pursuit before 2016 is through. If there's a gap in your skill set, you might even ask Santa to cover your tuition for a seminar or gift you private sessions with a consultant.

Romance will be refreshingly lighthearted — especially as cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars tandem bike through Aquarius from December 7-19. You're down to experiment a little, whether with some new toys or different partners (maybe all at the same time). Coupled Aries, put down the remote: You'll love socialising as a pair all month long. On the 19th, your ruler Mars drifts into your fantasy-fuelled 12th house which can be exhilarating but excessive. Have clear talks about boundaries and safewords; don't get swept up in anything with a clandestine ick-factor.

The sun sweeps into career-obsessed Capricorn for a month on the 21st, spurring an inconveniently-timed professional boost. Short of bringing your laptop to the tree, menorah, or candelabra lighting, you might too inspired by a passion project to put it down for the holidays. The new moon on the 29th could bring a major feather for your cap! But you will catch flak from your people if you don't give them some quality time too — without distractions from your Slack account or work phone, please.

NYE will be full of magic as your ruler Mars syncs up with spiritual Neptune in Pisces and your enchanted 12th house. Dancing is Pisces domain so plans may happily involve a spin under the strobelights, even a live concert or DJ set. Your intuition will be activated too, so start celebrations early with a vision-boarding party or a group meditation. And if you can pull off a beach getaway, you'll be right in your astrological element, swirling under the stars as 2016 hands the baton to 2017.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Forget Dasher and Dancer. Vixen is your icon reindeer this December as the sun simmers in your erotic eighth house until the 21st. In between holiday soirees, squeeze in plenty of "just the two of us" time with the object of your affections. There could be some legendary lovin' going down behind closed doors! But with Mars and Venus in your prestigious 10th house from December 7-19, you'll also want to sashay around as a public power couple. With this decadent duo firing up your career zone, single Bulls could find meet your match under the mistletoe at the office holiday party or through the introduction of a coworker. Business partnerships will also get a boost from this Mars-Venus merger — and with Venus lingering here until January 3, you could spark up a creative collab that turns into a viral sensation in early 2017. Just keep your ears perked for people whose outlook and ideas intrigue you. Instead of twinning, follow the rule of "opposites attract."

When it comes to your own end-of-year fetes, curate your guest list carefully. On the 19th, Mercury turns retrograde in your 11th house of community and technology until January 8. While your popularity gets a huge boost from the Capricorn sun on the 21st, it's all about hanging out with high-vibes people only. (Read: Keep your Trump-eting uncle or sloppy drunk schoolgirl crush off the invite.) Embracing the spirit of service can be uplifting and a sanity saver. If things are tense with your relatives, keep time together to a minimum and go serve food at a neighbourhood shelter or deliver gifts to kids in need. Since backsliding Mercury can mess with your devices, hit the Apple Store before the 19th and lock down your sensitive data with stronger passwords.

On NYE, the more continues to be the merrier if you're with good peeps. With energetic Mars and music-obsessed Neptune aligned, you could show up 20-strong and take over the dance floor at a giant warehouse party or club. Being in the heart of the action, especially in a cosmopolitan hotspot, could be the ideal way to ring in 2017. But if you're feeling more low-key, think about renting a woodsy Airbnb with a big group — and make sure it has a hot tub!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Enchanté, Gemini! Your seductive powers shift into overdrive this December 2, as your ruling Mercury embarks on a two-month tour through your erotic eighth house. Use this gift for good! Sure, you can easily get your way by charming people, but you'd be better off radaring in on the ones who actually want the same things that you do — and are willing to work for it. Partnerships of all manner will be blessed this December. With the sun in enterprising Sagittarius until the 21st, a business collab could be a viral hit, even gaining you followers as far away as Dublin or Dubai. The full moon in Gemini on the 13th will be your day to shine as a solo star so promote your talents without apology!

On the 19th, you'll have to rein it in a little as Mercury flips into retrograde until January 8. This is not the time to let your imagination run wild. Before you let suspicions sweep you into a jealous rage, put on the detective's hat and investigate. An old flame could make a comeback over the holidays, but keep the door bolted on the toxic types, especially if you've already been through this cycle countless times. On a positive note, Mercury's U-turn is a stellar time to develop one of your passions behind the scenes or tackle an area of life in need of an extreme makeover. Friendships and romantic relationships can become rock solid. Spending quality time together will build that trust. But earlier in the month, you could have an erotic revolution, so try to get your kicks in then — and communicate clearly about your intentions so there are no WTF moments to weather while you're just trying to get your merry-merry on.

When it comes to your holiday celebrations, distribute invites selectively. Humanitarian Uranus in your communal 11th house gets support from traditional Saturn on the 24th. This can help you mend fences with relatives who have different political views. Some Gems may prefer to curate your own "universal family" of woke friends, perhaps collecting funds for Planned Parenthood or Standing Rock in lieu of stocking stuffers. NYE could find you rubbing shoulders with an elite squad. With proud Mars and dreamy Neptune in your prestigious 10th house, this would be the year to spring for that black tie gala or VIP level tickets.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Naughty or nice? You'll take an equal helping of both this December, Cancer. With the sun in your sixth house of healthy habits and hard work until the 21st, your "good girl" side can't help but peek out and be helpful. Just be careful because you could cross into people-pleasing and perfectionist territory too. For every charitable act you do for others, indulge in a spot of self-care to keep it balanced. And stay on the ball with wrapping up 2016 assignments, eating well and hitting the gym. Life doesn't have to fall into a hedonistic tailspin just because it's holiday season.

Now, for that naughty side. On December 7, love planet Venus shimmies into your erotic eighth house until January 3. Better still, lusty Mars will cruise alongside her until the 19th. Plant yourself strategically under that mistletoe; and don't be surprised if a secret admirer reveals their identity. Coupled Crabs will enjoy some steamy moments behind closed doors. Your sensitive sign isn't usually big on casual dating though so be up front about what you're looking for. With expressive Mercury moving into your relationship zone for two months on the 2nd, you could lead the charge on these couple-y conversations. And the new moon on the 29th could draw a hot prospect your way. Head's up: Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 to January 8. An old flame could resurface, bringing confusion and mixed signals. You could hit a tense spot with your S.O. Try to keep holiday plans as stress-free as possible to avoid the eruption of lovers' quarrels.

A traditional celebration with all the trimmings will be your preference on the 24th and you could bring together disparate factions of your family. But if playing peacemaker is a big stretch, you might be wise to stay out of the middle and let relatives work through their issues on their own. Despite Mercury retrograde, NYE would be an optimal day to travel. With daring Mars and dreamy Neptune entwined in your jet-setting ninth house, you'd happily watch the ball drop on 2017 in Sydney, Berlin or a city on the opposite side of the continent. Go glam, even corralling your crew into a costume theme like animal prints and sequins, say. Cupid is totally in your corner so we wouldn't be surprised to find you snogging a sexy someone as the confetti rains down. Just keep the control freaks far away because you need to be wild, free and untethered on the 31st!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Love is in the air for Leos this December as planets swirl through the most romantic parts of your chart. The Sagittarius sun lights up your playful, passionate fifth house until the 21st encouraging you to let your hair down and open your heart. Your willingness to suspend those snap judgments can reveal a spark with someone you may have otherwise overlooked. And with red-hot Mars moving through your committed relationship zones all month, your urge to merge could be downright insatiable. And there's more. From December 7 until January 3, amorous Venus flutters through Aquarius and your partnership palace making you pretty darn irresistible. But do keep the discernment filters on because you need someone who gives as good as they get. If you're in a relationship, stock the shared calendar with seasonal soirees, cultural activities and pre-holiday overnights of town.

Alas, you can't slip into full-on holiday hedonism mode this month. Diligent Mercury plants himself in Capricorn and your zone of healthy living and daily duties from December 2 until February 7. Work hard/play hard will be your M.O. as the year turns over. But it's worth it, Leo as your diligence could land you a bigger-than-expected bonus, especially near the new moon on the 29th. Just make sure you're getting proper credit for your work, especially with Mercury turning retrograde from December 19 to January 8. With the messenger planet in reverse during the holidays, go the extra mile to keep stress to a minimum. Keep healthy food on your plate and exercise regularly. And curate your guest lists carefully so you don't wind up playing babysitter for a socially demanding friend — or getting into a blowout with a red state relative.

Ringing in 2017 at a huge party might not be your jam this NYE. With lusty Mars and boundary-blurring Neptune in your intimate, erotic eighth house, you'd be happier cuddled up a corner with someone who sends your mojo rising. Slipping off the grid to a beach cabana or cabin in the woods (with a hot tub!) could also be fun. If you're not romantically attached, gather your closest friends for this rejuvenating getaway. Bring candles and angel cards, or supplies for making vision boards as your celebrations could take a turn towards the mystical this year.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Why wait until the month's end to enjoy a little "home for the holidays" action, Virgo? With the sun chillaxing in your domestic sector until the 21st, Chateau Virgo will be blessed with your presence — and warmed by the company of your friends. Break out the good dishes and host a dinner party or a cocktails and movie night. A home décor mission could also keep you consumed, while Virgos looking for a new nest could find that lucky listing for a Jan 1 move. With Mars and Venus co-helming your healthy living zone from December 7-19, you'll have plenty of motivation to stay on top of your wellness goals. Remember that moderation is key: This probably isn't the time to start a juice cleanse or swear off sugar for 30 days. Just incorporate more movement into your social activities meeting friends for yoga or dancing.

Career-wise, the full moon on the 13th could bring a feather for your fedora. If you've been hustling in late 2016, make sure the powers-that-be are aware of your contributions. If you have a project to promote or a humblebrag to drop, the 13th is your day. You may have to put in some extra hours before the 21st, even bringing a little work home so you can clear your calendar for the last wedge of the month.

And don't worry, you are not destined to become a crazy cat lady in jeggings this month. On the 2nd, flirty Mercury moves into Capricorn and your glamorous, amorous fifth house for two months. Although you'll have your couch potato moments, there will be too many good party invites to pass up. Don't be so quick to agree to a so-so holiday plan — not before you've researched all your options, which could find you dancing on a rooftop in South Beach, or a confetti-filled club in Vegas or New Orleans. Mercury spins retrograde from December 19 to January 8 so buy advance tickets and book flights before then so you wind up on the right side of the red velvet rope. This Mercury cycle will summon Cupid on the regular — especially when sun sweeps into Capricorn for a month on the 21st. But during the retrograde, be open and honest to avoid miscommunications with the one you adore. An ex could even pop back up on the scene, but with Mercury's mixed signals, proceed cautiously. NYE could bring some major highs in the love department as amorous Mars meets fantasy-fuelled Neptune in your relationship quarters. A midnight smooch could be far more than "just a kiss." Some Virgos could even get a proposal or a proclamation of love as the confetti rains down. And if it's time to move on from a going-nowhere relationship, the 31st could bring the perfect opportunity for some spicy revenge sex — with someone new!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Make a list and check it twice. The swirl of details — not to mention the crush of party invitations — could scatter you this December. And while it's great to be so busy and in-demand, staying organised is a must to avoid double-booking or burning out, especially while the sun is in your uber-social third house until the 21st. Cupid could make more than a couple cameos this month, too, so you don't want to be such a fast-moving target that his arrows fail to strike! On the 7th, amorous Venus sweeps into Aquarius and your romance house until January 3 — and Mars will accompany her there through December 19. Enjoy a dating spree, or get to know one special soul more intimately. This dazzling December could even bring a proposal or pregnancy for Libras ready to make a big leap.

December will bring its share of family-friendly moments, and alas, a side of family friction, to boot. On the 2nd, communicator Mercury embarks on a two-month journey through Capricorn and your domestic fourth house. Then, on the 21st, the sun swoops into Capricorn for a month reminding you that charity and TLC all start in the home. The only trouble is that Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 until January 8. Unresolved issues with a relative could come to a boil, so try to sort them out before holiday gatherings to avoid raging around the dinner table. But the retrograde is also perfect for reuniting with beloved people from your past — and getting closer to important women in your life. Make sure Chez Libra is set up to your liking, because you are due for some serious nesting and hosting over the holidays! The full moon on the 13th would be a better time for traveling, in fact. Plus, you can fill your road trip quota then so you can shift into long winter's nap mode on the 21st.

Non-alcoholic bubbles, anyone? This NYE, soulful Neptune and motivator Mars align in your healthy, service-oriented sixth house. This may find you in a more reflective mood, preferring a low-key but elegant dinner party with your supportive squad. Even if you are in a party-hardy mood, you might be as happy sipping a mocktail as you would Champagne as long as you can get your endorphin rush from the dance floor! A candlelight yoga class might also be the perfect way to say farewell to an intense 2016 — and hello to a brighter year ahead.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Off with the dark glasses, on with the butterfly wings. Social Mercury sweeps into your garrulous third house on December 2, and plants there for an extra-long, two month stay. Although December will be busy with work, mingling with your colleagues in a more laid back manner can be good for your career. You'll be in your flirtatious element too, but easy there, Firestarter. Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 to January 8 and you could be read the riot act for "leading someone on." You're a powerful force, Scorpio! When it comes to real love, you're looking to go deep this month — and you're not about to settle for the ordinary. On December 7, amorous Venus wings into quirky Aquarius, the ruler of your cozy, sentimental fourth house. A rockstar in the streets; a loyalist in the sheets — that's what you need, Scorpio. On the 19th, lusty Mars blazes into your passionate fifth house until January 28, bringing more gifts from Cupid. If you're getting strong signals, pursue! Are you ready to go next level with a dating situation? Mars may motivate you to drop to one knee or drop a very obvious hint about your desire to get closer. Coupled Scorpios could even talk engagement baubles or babymaking. If you're ready to go there, Mars will speed those plans along.

Money will be on your mind as the year winds down so stay focused at work. Your efforts could even bring an exciting opportunity while you're celebrating the holidays, thanks to a career-boosting angle between Saturn and Uranus on the 24th. Take on more of a planning role for holiday celebrations too. You'll be the eye of the storm and the one who doesn't forget a single ingredient on the shopping list. Make sure to delegate though as you could lose it with a lazy reveller on the 26th who won't lift a finger unless asked.

Plan for a blowout bash on NYE: champagne, nails, hair, photo shoot, dancing 'til dawn. With glamourpuss Neptune and racy Mars synced up in Pisces and your festive fifth house, you'll be ready to blow off some serious steam. You'll also be one of Cupid's favourite targets: Who says real love can't start on the dance floor…or in the DJ booth? You could be ushered into VIP rooms, even if you splurge on the tickets yourself. Don't feel like dressing to the nines? Singing your heart out at dive bar karaoke could be every bit as fun. Practice your song and your dance moves.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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