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Your Horoscope This Week — Nov 13 2016

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Have you been walking around in a heartbroken daze for the past week? As much as we hoped and prayed for the planets to pull through for Hillary, we are faced with a "WTF just happened here?" reality that is slowing sinking in. Insidious Pluto and angry Mars may be to blame: From the 27th of September until the evening of the 8th of November, they were paired up in patriarchal Capricorn, which, sadly, fuelled the final round of this campaign. As acceptance slows settles in, Monday's full moon in Taurus can help us from steeping further into despair. Taurus is the sign that governs our values and ethics. It rules the throat area; it empowers us to plan. Time to get mobilised around a message that doesn't leave women, gays, Muslims, people of colour (the list goes on) silenced on the sidelines. This will be a supermoon — the brightest and most potent we've had in 80 years. Feel its force and keep carrying the torch. We've come too far to turn back now.

The emotional climate will still be intense this week as the sun winds through its final days in Scorpio. Passion, mystery and longing hover in the ether. But our hearts do not belong to the hot and hasty hookups. Scorpio season brings a sense of weightiness to every relationship. A kiss ain’t just a kiss and a "call me, maybe" will not do. It’s all or nothing now! If your heart isn’t into a particular partnership, plot your exit strategy and go. Bad blood boiling? Scorpio takes no prisoners but keep the revenge fantasies in check. Our words and actions can pack an extra sting this week. Instead of plotting takedowns, focus on transforming an area of life that’s in need of an extreme makeover.


October 23 to November 21

Seal that deal, Scorpio! A partnership could go from casual to committed thanks to Monday’s full moon in your relationship house. Whether for business or pleasure, follow that urge to merge. But if you're going to be in it for the long haul, you owe it to yourself to hash out terms clearly. In the case of business deals, lawyer up and draft a contract even — or at least keep an email trail of what you're agreeing to as a pair. And if you're going to be "romantically exclusive" spell out what that means to you both, as in, say, deleting your Tinder accounts...or not. If you're not feeling bae anymore, this full moon helps you gracefully take your leave. Coupled Scorpios, it’s time to consciously co-create. Team up with your honey on a project or a party to strengthen your bond.

But do reserve some room in the calendar for "me time." The sun is still blazing through Scorpio all week, bringing momentum for one of your independent efforts. Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle! One more push may be all you need to score a major victory or land a well-deserved leadership role. If you’re not ready to announce to the world, “I’ve arrived!” then stay alert. An opportunity to get a toe in the door (if not the whole sneaker) could pop up before the week ends. Act swiftly when these portals open and don’t be afraid to summon your competitive spirit!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Your body is your temple, Sagittarius and Monday's full moon in your wellness zone reminds you to worship it as such. Ward off the pre-winter blues with some savvy self-care. Scout out a great gym or yoga studio (hot yoga, perhaps?) and invite friends to join you for some active socialising. Warm your body up from the inside too — not with another hot toddy but by swapping out your salad with roasted Brussels sprouts or a butternut squash soup. There could be some exciting developments at the office under this full moon too — and money could roll in as a result of your past six months of toiling at your computer. Schedule a performance review since you may be in line for a raise. Feeling stymied by an overblown project? A simple plan works best so scale back and stop making it so complicated!

Keep the eco-friendly cleaning supplies and Hefty bags handy. The sun is slogging through its final seven days in Scorpio and your 12th house of endings. Cleaning and decluttering could be downright therapeutic — so very helpful for channeling that presidential suite of anxiety. Haven’t worn it or used it for over a year? Haul it off to the Goodwill or donate to friends in need. A toxic friendship or relationship could come to a crashing finale too. Be strong and put up a firm boundary with this crazymaker. If they are worth keeping around, they will respect the limits you set. If not, well, how many times do you need to relearn the same lesson with this one? Let it be done — then stick a fork in it.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Lights, camera, action! Monday’s full moon in Taurus electrifies your fifth house of fame, leadership and romance. The performer in you is out to play so take the stage. Try an improv class or rock the karaoke mic; and maybe even role play some of that election angst for creative catharsis. Romantically, this full moon could usher in a legendary love affair — or finally seal the deal with a long-standing crush. Let your passion sweep you away, PDA and all. Single without strings? You could have your hands full of admirers this week, or get a strong nudge dive back into the dating pool. Coupled Caps could even catch baby fever!

Also essential to remember this week: There is no “I” in team, Capricorn. So why are you still carrying the weight of the world on your sturdy shoulders? Drop that load and start casting for capable collaborators. Few people share your unstoppable work ethic, true; but your inner control freak might also be preventing people from stepping up to the plate. If you need support, write a "job description" of the people you're looking for. That will help you home in on the right teammates. Don't forget: If they have smarts and a can-do spirit you'll be able to train them on the way you like things done.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Nomadic nature aside, your home should feel like your sanctuary, Aquarius — not an Airbnb where you crash in between parties and late nights at the office. With Monday’s full moon in your domestic quarters it's time to indulge in some serious nest feathering. Or go find a better place to hang your fedora than, say, a windowless basement apartment. You could also resolve a roommate situation, even packing up the U-Haul if you decide that living together isn’t the best fit. Family tension could erupt too, but in a way that helps you clear the air. Agree to disagree instead of trying to persuade your relatives to see things your way — or rail against their values because they are different than yours. Get this handled now, so you don't wind up talking turkey (or Trump) around the Thanksgiving table.

Work will be busy too, so stay on your A game. The sun winds through its final seven days in Scorpio and your career zone, setting you up for another feather in the cap. Leading with your responsible foot will pay off big time now so go the extra mile to show your dedication. Important and influential people have their eyes on you — make sure they see your swagger and your skills. Polish up your social media profiles and any presentation materials that you use to a high pro glow.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Late to the party is better than missing the fiesta altogether, right, Pisces? Monday’s full moon in Taurus and your garrulous third house gives you (social butterfly) wings. Tending and befriending is a stress reducer, so ease your political anxiety and catch up with all the friends you’ve been too busy to see since the second debate. The culture vulture in you could use some entertainment too. Download new music and audiobooks, enjoy your Netflix queue and watch some TED talks on YouTube. Have you outgrown your go-to crew? Kindred spirits crop up near Monday, one who might even be worthy of BFF grade!

Need to get away from it all? The sun lingers in Scorpio and your globetrotting ninth house until Saturday making the world your pearl-bearing oyster. A long-distance connection could heat up — for business, pleasure or pure adventure. Schedule a Skype call or buy plane tickets for a weekend, or holiday season, visit. You'll be more candid than usual now, so watch your words. Before the weekend you could blurt out a statement so true that it stuns everyone into silence. While it’s liberating to finally call it like it is, use tact so you don't accidentally throw someone you love under the bus. Timing is everything: What would be well received in a private setting could create a massive blowup if blurted out in public.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

No recessions for you this week, Aries. Your finance game will be tight, thanks to Monday’s full supermoon in Taurus and your money-earnin' second house. Circulate that CV and connect via LinkedIn. You could get word of a job offer or promotion or land a new client. Happy at your 9-5? A This full moon could hand you a dream project—and you've certainly earned it with your hustle over the past six months. Don’t waste a minute questioning your ability to pull off the task. What you don’t already know, you’ll learn along the way. If you’ve been diligently saving for the past six months or so, it’s time to for a treat. Shop around for a luxe investment piece that makes your wardrobe sing — maybe a pantsuit to keep hope alive?

On the personal front, there could be a few more scintillating moments to record in your locked 2016 diary. The sun spends its final week in sultry Scorpio and your erotic eighth house, ratcheting up the sexual intensity. But forget about hooking up for any no-strings flings. This week, everyone is playing for keeps. If you’re the free-bird type of Aries, find out where people's expectations lie before going in for the kiss. Breaking hearts is not the point here! And free yourself from any unrequited love situations. You have better things to do with your holiday season than obsess over someone who will never love you the way you deserve. Happily-coupled Rams could hit a milestone moment this week, one that involves planning a more permanent, put a ring on it, kind of merger.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Okay, Taurus, it's time to stop stewing and make your comeback. On Monday, the annual full moon in Taurus revives your mojo and your fighting spirit. You might take an extra minute to mull things over, but once your mind is made up, your conviction is fierce! Like a bull charging after that crimson cape, you'll feel ready to race after that target this week, be in a personal goal, political cause or a career milestone you want to nail before 2016 is through (or all of the above). Are you ready to step into the spotlight? Go public with your behind-the-scenes efforts? This full moon is an ultra-close, ultra-bright supermoon, which is perfect for your big reveal. For some Tauruses, this full moon will be the moment of liberation. Break free from confining situations and find your own voice. You never needed anyone to be your mouthpiece to begin with, but this confidence-boosting full moon will help you hit the self-expression mark dead on.

Also this week, make sure you're "adulting" in the love and romance department. The sun spends the last week of 2016 in Scorpio and your relationship house bringing opportunities to merge, with honour. If you’re just not feeling your latest lover, stop stringing them along. And hit the exit instead of wasting another precious minute on someone who can barely be bothered to return your texts. If you’ve got a good one on the line this week could bring some major talks about your shared future. Partnerships of all manner get more serious. Put a ring on it, or some ink on it, in the case of a work collab. Send out the casting calls! You could find the missing puzzle piece for a business project, band, or another dynamic duo you have in the works.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Time for a “life edit,” Gemini. With Monday's full moon in Taurus and your 12th house of transitions, there's only one question to ask: Should it stay or should it go? It's human nature to hold on to attachments, but this week you'll be painfully aware of any excess baggage you're dragging around. So start sorting! Begin with your closets and junk drawers: If you have no more use for it, pack it up and send it off. Then, scan your social circle for toxic relationships. As a social Gemini, you’re easily affected by the moods of other people. Boot the bullies who undermine your efforts and kiss off the competitive frenemies who are always trying to capitalise on your gains. If you have to stay connected for political reasons, put up a protective wall. You can still be friendly…but with boundaries.

Also this week, try to remember that old saying about curiosity killing the cat, Gemini. You know there’s an issue brewing — and with the sun winding down its tour of Scorpio, you may feel compelled to do some “light detective work.” But unless you're truly invested in this person, disengage quickly or your search could lead you down a complicated rabbit hole. You might have to serve a dose of tough love to someone you adore. Being her on-call crisis hotline does not a rewarding friendship make. Do you both a favor and refer her to your therapist instead!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Forget the banquet beers, Cancer. With Monday's full moon in Taurus and your collaborative 11th house you could be popping open the bubbly to celebrate a shared victory. Or hey, how about a little morale-boosting gathering for your team? Take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come as a group (and as individuals) over the past six months. Some Cancers could be faced with a tough choice this week: As much as you love your squad, is it time to break off and explore new alliances? Don't let sentimentality stand in the way of your evolution. A new scene awaits — and you aren’t obligated to bring your old amigas along for the ride. This full moon could also bring a lucky swipe on the dating apps. Carpe DM and send a direct message to someone whose work (or damn fine looks) you admire.

The sun is also winding down its month-long tour through mysterious Scorpio drawing you to people with depth and even “a past.” Just make sure you aren’t falling into a rescue mission! You can’t save people from their demons, Cancer; in fact, trying to will only pull you into the abyss. Looking for love? Take advantage of Scorpio season's sultry vibes, which charge up your fifth house of amour. Dress up and join friends for after-work drinks and see who else is hanging out; get back on the dating apps. Cupid is in your corner this week!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Started from the bottom, now you’re here! Monday’s full moon in Taurus and your 10th house of success could bring a major career coup. Your hard work of the past six months will seriously pay off so make sure the influential people around you are aware of your contributions. Bosses get busy and distracted so pull together your portfolio of accomplishments and set up a performance review. If you aren’t quite ready to make a vertical move this week, the full moon brings a shortcut up the ladder. Avail yourself as the star apprentice to a heavy-hitter in your office — or someone who works in your field. Even if the position starts out as volunteer work, the insider info you glean will be priceless.

Also this week, the sun is winding down its monthlong tour through Scorpio and your caretaking fourth house. Give your inner circle highest priority this week and get those holiday plans nailed down. Just make sure you aren't giving more than you're truly comfortable with. Family could wind up feeling like the f-word if you overcommit and exhaust yourself. Hunting for a new place to call home? Pick up the pace on your efforts — you could find that vacant room in a cool apartment before the weekend is through.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Go long, Virgo! The usual places and faces just won’t excite you this week. Thanks to Monday’s full moon in Taurus and your globetrotting ninth house, you could find your pearl in a faraway postcode. Facetime or face time? After video chatting a friend, you could wind up booking tickets — and hey, GTFO-ing from A'murrica for a minute could be downright therapeutic after the elections. Close to home, a cross-cultural click could rock your world. Keep your walls down and your borders open!

Before the week is through there could be a sexy meeting of the minds. The sun winds down its month-long tour through Scorpio and your intellectually, uh, stimulating third house. Give the geeks a chance to woo you. A true attraction could emerge with an adorkable type. All manner of private conversations could be eye-opening this week — not to mention long overdue. Are you and your BFF, business partner, or another collaborator on the same page? Discussions could reveal the need for better cooperation. If you aren’t able to find a middle ground, you may need to call an extended time out.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Even a lousy election result can't stop a Libra from loving. And Monday's erotically-charged supermoon will make your mojo rise. Feeling tipsy…or straight up drunk in love? Whatever the case, let your interest be known! Chemistry that's been percolating for the past six months could finally hit the tipping point, bringing some long-overdue sexual healing. A casual dating situation could intensify. Is it time to make things exclusive? There’s nothing wrong with wanting “more,” Libra, so 'fess up. It doesn’t mean you’re needy or pathetic — and anyone who tries to make you feel that way should be instantly disqualified. An existing relationship could get ever more serious. Hop by the hardware store to copy your apartment key or consider co-signing a lease on a 1-bedroom with alcove.

Retail therapy alert! With all the anxiety of the politically-charged current climate, we wouldn't blame you for wanting to blow a portion of this month's pay at Selfridges. But mind your budget. The sun is slowing wrapping up its tour of Scorpio and your pragmatic second house bringing some important lessons about managing your cash. Hey — living beyond your means is stressful, but then again, maybe you just need to make more means. Ask for a performance review, sign up for a specialised training, or teach yourself a new piece of software that will bump you into a higher pay grade.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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