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Your Horoscope This Week — Jun 19 2016

Photographed by John LisleIllustrated by Christine Hahn.

#MermaidMagic anyone? This Monday, the sun floats on to water sign Cancer until July 22, a time for plunging into deeper emotions and connecting from the heart. Astro tidbit: The summer solstice always falls on the first day of Cancer season. Let this longest day of light illuminate new ways to honour your feelings (yes, they matter) and love yourself (may we suggest a little Take Back The Beach action?). Oh, and when was the last time you called your mom, sister, or childhood BFF? Hop on the friends-and-family plan and get reconnected to the people who truly have your back.

Earlier on Monday, there is also a blue moon — the second in a series of two consecutive full moons to fall in worldly, adventurous Sagittarius. Swipe back a month in your calendar: What was happening near the first full moon on May 21? There could be a sequel or a second act to celebrate now. Sagittarius is the zodiac's jet setter and entrepreneur. Monday's moonbeams could inspire a travel plan or an invention that gives Kylie a run for her legendary Lip Kit.

And speaking of the waters of Cancer season, who's ready to make it rain? On Sunday, bountiful Jupiter and fiscal wizard Pluto team up for the second of two auspicious trines (120-degree angle) in 2016. (The first was on March 16.) Until mid-July, talks about money could quickly evolve into high-yielding opportunities. But we'll also need to squash any spending that's draining our reserves — and bow out of business deals that aren't profitable. This extremely rare connection won't happen again until 2024, so don't be shy: The squeaking wheel gets the oil — and the gold.


June 21 to July 22

There's nothing wrong with being particular, Cancer — hey, you have specific tastes! With Monday's full moon in your exacting sixth house, it's okay to let your preferences be known. From single-origin coffees to organic cotton clothing and other labels you love, you're actually voting with your dollar. With all that purchasing power, why not support companies with conscious practices? At work, this full moon could bring an opportunity to shine. Step up and show your dedication to the team and ability to step into a leadership role. Important eyes are tracking you, whether you realise it or not.

Birthday season begins later on Monday, when el sol enters your sign until July 22, kicking off the 2016 Festival of Cancer. Unburden yourself from relationships and social obligations that aren't lighting your fire. Your independent side is at the wheel and you'll enjoy your own company more than anyone's now. Take a little space from the people you do adore, too, instead of filling every square inch of your calendar with plans. Without adequate "me time," you could get snappy. No guilt, Cancer! You've gotta do you.

Sunday's harmonious alignment between seductive Pluto in your relationship house and lucky Jupiter in your flirtation zone could bring some magic moments for your love life. Sparks could fly with a cutie from a different culture or someone who lives in another city. Schedule any pitches, proposals, and personal heart-to-hearts then, because you'll have them at hello. Coupled Crabs should plan an epic weekend of cultural events — or even a vacation, as a change of scenery will breathe new life back into your bond.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

You are pure sunshine this Monday, as the full moon in Sagittarius (a double-strength blue moon) lights up your fifth house of fame, passion and romance. Chemistry that's been bubbling for the past six months — or since the first Sagittarius full moon this past May 21 — could explode into a hot-and-heavy lovefest. And hello, celebrity status! Your talents could get recognised by a wide audience or an important influencer near Monday. Make it easy for them to find you by pumping up your promotional efforts. Even a humblebrag will do.

Later on Monday, the sun drifts into Cancer and your dreamy, esoteric 12th house until July 22. While this could crown you queen of the nightlife scene, you'll also need more time for solitude, rest, and meditation. Squeeze in disco naps, spa trips, and even weekly therapy sessions, because you may have some baggage to unload during this healing solar cycle. Take inventory: What do you want to leave behind by the time the sun hits Leo on July 22? Tie up loose ends and make amends. If closure is impossible through conversation, you may just have to strike a certain person's name from your lips. Remember: What you focus on expands!

On Sunday, bountiful Jupiter and strategic Pluto hold a power merger in your financial houses, bringing new ideas for earning and advancing your career. Slow down and look around: Your instincts will help you focus in on opportunity. You might even reconnect to someone you pitched or worked with in the past. Divine timing is on your side!

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

Emoji overload! Make room for all the feels this Monday. The full moon in Sagittarius — the second in a row — lights up your sensitive and sentimental fourth house. Don't ignore your legit reactions, because your intuition will be in sharp form early this week. But before you settle down for a heart-to-heart, do a little check in. The downside of these moonbeams is that you could take things personally that aren't meant as an affront. Honour your feelings, but let them cool down before you discuss.

Later on Monday, it's #SolsticeTime as the sun beams into Cancer and your 11th house of community until July 22. Let the lengthier period of light illuminate joint ventures, epic collaborations, and other ways to team up with people for a shared victory. Cancer is the sign of intimates: Your partners in crime could even be family members or ride-or-die pals who have proven their loyalty over the years.

Over the weekend, take a little time to primp and get "camera-ready" before racing out of the house for brunch. Dazzling Jupiter in Virgo syncs up with seductive Pluto in your fifth house of fame, glamour, and romance, upping your magnetic appeal. Who needs Tinder when you have all that IRL magic? A face-to-face encounter could get seriously steamy this weekend. Got something to promote? Bring on the Instas, because a well-timed post could launch you to celebrity status.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Let's face it, Libra: We all get by with a little help from our friends. And your support network is ready and willing to lend a hand when this Monday's full moon (a rare blue moon) lights up your third house of cooperation and communication for the second time since May 21. The thing is, you can't expect people to "just know" when you need something. You have to ask — and even spell out — directions sometimes. Muster up the courage to make a bold request. Under these potent moonbeams, you might even ask for more than you think you can command. Because this full moon falls in lucky, audacious Sagittarius, you could very well get it.

Also on Monday, your ambitious nature is stoked when the sun heads into Cancer and your 10th house of professional prestige until July 22. Let this longest day of light — the summer solstice — shine its beams on growth opportunities for your career. You could make major strides over the coming month! Ping corporate and ask for a performance review or get to work on your own business plan.

This weekend is all about sharing secrets and intimate bonding. A warm-and-fuzzy connection between probing Pluto and outspoken Jupiter helps you open up and be more vulnerable with a few trusted confidantes. As you bare your soul, others will respond in kind, revealing private information from their own vaults. Whatever you hear, Libra, hold it in strict confidence — that's how you'll earn loyalty points and build a truly solid connection. A successful woman could even take you under her wing. Be available to support her efforts, because what goes around comes around.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Make it rain, Scorpio! Monday's full moon in Sagittarius strikes your money zone and amplifies your earning powers. This one's a "blue moon," meaning it's the second Sagittarius full moon in a row. The seeds you've been sowing since May 21 could yield a bountiful crop or bring a sequel success to one that you experienced last month. But you've gotta take a gamble! Circulate your résumé, reach out to LinkedIn contacts, or talk to your boss about growth opportunities within the company. Make it clear that you're interested in getting ahead.

Later on Monday, the sun begins its annual sojourn through Cancer and your ninth house of travel. Wanderlust hits you hard between now and July 22, driving you to distraction. While you should definitely start planning your big summer getaway, find little ways to give every day a vacation vibe. Talk to strangers while you're out and about, meet friends for dinner and drinks in different neighbourhoods — and maybe even at cool hotel bars where you can mingle with people from different parts of the world. Travel in the figurative sense, too, by signing up for mind-expanding workshops and summer classes. How about conversational Spanish?

This weekend, pop on the entertainment director's hat and gather your friends for a group hang. Just keep the guest list open! With your ruling planet, magnetic Pluto, in cahoots with lucky Jupiter, you could attract some amazing people into your circle. If you're ready to expand your social horizons, this rare planetary pairing helps you home in on some fascinating new friends. Pluto and Jupiter won't meet up again like this until 2024 — good reason to carpe diem and say hello to the person who seriously catches your eye.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Sagittarius FTW! The week is off to an epic start, thanks to Monday's full moon in Sagittarius. This is also a blue moon, meaning it's the second consecutive full moon to light up your sign. The first was on May 21, so whatever you've been building over the past month could explode into a viral success! Or, you might experience this victory in your personal life, as people around you start showing their appreciation in truly tangible ways. Revel in your independence, Archer. If you need to break free from a confining situation, these moonbeams give you full permission to bounce.

Later on Monday, your slow-burning sexy side takes the wheel as the sun moves into Cancer and your erotic eighth house until July 22. Update your privacy policy, because the passion happens behind closed doors now. Warning! Emotions could get rather intense over the next four weeks, spurring a Beyoncé-in-the-yellow-Cavalli-dress moment. But hold up before you take the Louisville Slugger to any car windows and get the facts before you react. To protect your tender heart, make sure that trust comes along with the lust. This takes time, Archer, so pace yourself with the getting-to-know-you process.

A big money opportunity could come over the weekend, so stay in beast mode. On Sunday, your ruling planet, bountiful Jupiter, fist-bumps powerhouse Pluto, firing you up to go for the gold. Meeting the right people is half the story, so make sure to plant yourself among the movers and shakers. Have your "elevator pitch" ready: Those three minutes you spend waiting for your drink order could also be a magic moment for wowing an influencer with the compelling bullet points about your latest project or plan.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Grab the Hefty bags and wave that sage in the air. With Monday's full moon in Sagittarius and your 12th house of completions, clutter — and the toxic energy that comes along with it — will legit drive you crazy. After you've taken a haul to Buffalo Exchange, give your friend lists a pruning. If you spend more time complaining about a friend than you do hanging out with them, why do you keep 'em around? No guilt, Capricorn! The time she zaps from your life would be better spent supporting people who have your back — or working on a creative project, since the muse could come calling before the week is through.

Later on Monday, the sun heads into Cancer and your couple-y seventh house until July 22. You'll start to realise that two heads — and hearts...and other body parts — are better than one. Your sign likes to play the long game in love, but you've gotta start somewhere. Start extending invites to intriguing people. You don't have know exactly where these relationships are going to end up, or if they'll even be relationships at all, but dabbling helps you get clearer on what you do want from a mate. If you're already half of a dynamic duo, put more "we time" on the shared calendar. Slip off for a beach vacation and don't spend every night out. With the sun in cozy Cancer, nesting will be an aphrodisiac.

Sunday could be one of your luckiest days of 2016! For the second time since March 16 (then not again until 2024), potent Pluto in Capricorn and your first house of self-expression gets a lucky boost from Jupiter in your worldly ninth house. Make sure that you're visible this weekend, especially online. Someone could discover you from halfway around the globe — which could possibly even spawn a travel plan. This cosmic combo ignites your sex appeal, too. Sparks could fly with a hottie from Haiti, Havana, or Helsinki. Keep your mind and heart wide open.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

This Monday, there's only one question to ask: Are they "team" or aren't they? Life is too short to be wasted on people who don't have your back. And with a blue moon in Sagittarius — the second consecutive full moon in this sign since May 21 — making magic in your collaborative 11th house, you will see clearly who is #DFA (Down for Aquarius) and who's just out for themselves. An online community could also serve up opportunity. Hop on social media and post liberally about anything you're passionate about. The connections you make by just being your authentic self could launch you into a new league.

Later on Monday, you'll morph from hedonist to health nut as the sun slips out of Gemini and your "party-positive" fifth house and moves on to Cancer and your wellness zone until July 22. For the next four weeks, nourish yourself with summer's bounty of fresh produce and weave in regular exercise, like this wake-up-and-work-out 30-Day Challenge. Energy levels will quickly rise. Hello, lit-from-within glow!

Over the weekend, savvy Pluto and bountiful Jupiter form a rare trine (120-degree angle) that could bring a boost to your finances. Sure, it's the weekend, but don't be afraid to talk shop or strategically socialise with people who might help your career. You could also strike romantic gold under this seductive alignment (which won't happen again until 2024!), so go daringly deeper in your conversations.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

What are you waiting for, Pisces? Monday's full moon in "take a gamble" Sagittarius and your 10th house of success is like a giant push into the progress zone. This "blue moon" is the second consecutive full moon to hit this part of your chart — the first was on May 21. Plans that started buzzing a month ago — like, say, launching Pisces, Inc. or applying for a promotion — could finally go into production. Nominate yourself for a leadership position that's calling your name, even if that means bringing more structure into your dreamy, flowy days.

Cupid comes couchsurfing on Monday, too, when the sun flits into Cancer and your fifth house of amour until July 22. Romance heats up like a beach bonfire — especially if you take the lead. Forget about playing games — unless, of course, they involve fur-lined handcuffs or a striptease. You'll love attracting attention in every way during this fame-boosting solar cycle. Blow minds with your flamboyant fashion and flaunt your talents to the world. This is a golden month for Pisces performers, artists, poets and musicians — get thee to the stage!

Relationships get another lucky boost on Sunday, when lucky Jupiter in your partnership zone nuzzles up to Pluto in your wishful 11th house. Spark a creative conversation about collaborating, romantically or otherwise. You might even structure things unconventionally, Pisces — breaking the mould so that this alliance works for your unique lifestyle. Single? Head to some group hangs this weekend. Sparks will fly with a promising prospect, even a friend of a friend.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

Widen your horizons, Aries! This Monday, a full moon in Sagittarius — the second in a row, a.k.a. a blue moon — awakens your wanderlust in a "grab your passport" kind of way. Time to drop a new pin on Google's green earth; the further from home, the better. If you have a trip planned this week, glance at the itinerary, but let spontaneity be your GPS. Can't get away? Act "as if" by treating this week like an extended staycation. Detour from the usual hotspots and go explore new corners of your community. Talk to strangers, too! You'll feel that fateful chemistry with someone from a different background or way of life.

Later on Monday, the sun flows into soulful, sentimental Cancer, putting you in an emo groove until July 22. As a take-charge Ram, you may have been accused of being "insensitive" at times, but that's hardly the truth! Let people see the softer side of Aries for the next four weeks. Prioritize people, especially your inner circle of family and close friends. Make your home feel like an oasis, too, because you'll need more privacy during this solar cycle.

Sunday's auspicious combo platter of Jupiter and Pluto could bring some lucky breaks for your career. Be strategic, yet assertive, this weekend, focusing in on the people who can help you get ahead. But avoid the direct hit, Aries. If you want to get a statement sneaker in the door, offer people your support. Helping an influencer get ahead will earn you loyalty points — and give you a faster entry into the players' club.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

The week is off to a sultry start, thanks to Monday's full moon in Sagittarius and your erotic eighth house. But don't waste time Facebook-stalking an ex (bad for your mental health, as it turns out). Use these moonbeams to proactively, because you could meet someone who can go the distance — or really cement the connection you have with an existing partner. This happens to be a blue moon, as it's the second consecutive full moon in Sagittarius. An attraction that's been bubbling since May 21 could finally hit that sexy tipping point. You might just put a ring on it...or some ink, signing on for a joint business venture or even a book or record deal. If it's time to break things off, however, bounce now, before the situation gets any more entangled.

Your social butterfly wings start flapping on Monday, too, as the sun heads into Cancer and your outgoing, communicative third house until July 22. Roll out of the hammock and join friends for festivals, rooftop soirees, and weekends at the beach. Get more involved in the local scene, too. If there's nothing going on, get the party started yourself. You're definitely "crew glue" for the coming four weeks and your squad will turn to you as the entertainment director. Use your planning powers to fill the summer calendar with meaningful events, like evening lectures, workshops, and volunteering.

This weekend, give the world a twirl. All the world is your runway as magnetic Pluto aligns auspiciously with daring Jupiter in your house of glamour, fame, and true love. Cupid will be solidly in your corner, so take a gamble on love. Since Pluto loves mystery, your sultry moves are best made behind closed doors. Cancel the on-air tributes and invite bae for some one-on-one time, away from the prying eyes of paparazzi or your nosiest friends.

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Too many windows open at once? Starting Monday, you'll want to streamline and simplify, so you're not scattering your energy in too many directions. The sun leaves Gemini and moves on to Cancer and your grounded second house until July 22. While this signals the end of your birthday season, you're ready to get your feet back on solid earth. Spend more time in nature, too, because the great outdoors will refresh you. Tend to to the practical matters you blew off since May 20 — especially your budget! Shop in your own closet before bringing in another haul.

Also on Monday, Cupid is zinging a quiver full of arrows your way. The second in a pair of consecutive full moons in Sagittarius (the first was May 21) lights up your relationship house. If you've been on the fence about a partnership, you'll get clarity about how to proceed near Monday. An existing bond could deepen in a beautiful way. Hey, Gemini, you'll never know for sure if you've found The One unless you give it a real try. Take a chance on romance. If you don't quite leap into the arms of love, you'll still learn a valuable lesson. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

On Sunday, don the detective's cap. Sleuth-slash-seducer Pluto syncs up with truth-baring Jupiter, revealing hidden information. Forget words: What people aren't saying is where you need to investigate. Body language is its own patois, Gemini. If there's hair-twirling or close-talking going on, trust that you've got 'em wrapped around your finger. But if people are leaning back instead of leaning in, dial down the pressure and see if they come your way naturally. If not, start exploring more easily attractable options!

Photographed by John Lisle
Illustrated by Christine Hahn.

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