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Your Horoscope This Week — Sep 11 2016

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Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Supersize swagger? Check! This Tuesday, pushy Mars locks into a tangled angle with the ego-driven sun. While it's great to be confident, we could get ourselves into hot water by making promises we can't keep. Be on the lookout for narcissists who demand constant energy. As much as you may admire his or her talents, giving anyone that level of attention is just plain exhausting. This competitive energy could bring some intense contenders out of the woodwork, too! Remember to play fair! The victory will be hollow if you step on people's backs in your climb to the top.

Friday brings the second of September's two eclipses. This one's a lunar (full moon) eclipse in Pisces — and it's going to bring some vivid dreams to life! Seeds you've been sowing since the corresponding solar (new moon) eclipse on the 8th of March could magically manifest. But Pisces is the sign that rules illusions and addictions. Go easy on those martinis this weekend — and watch out for snake charmers pushing a personal agenda (but pretending to be all about the #squadgoals.) If something seems too good to be true, investigate! These moonbeams can bring miracles along with the smoke and mirrors.

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August 23 to September 22

Slow down, Virgo! You're racing to the finish line, eager to accomplish a goal. But in your haste, you may have blown right past a few important allies. Pause early this week to do a little recon. An apology may be necessary as you realise that you stepped on toes and ignored the power pyramid. You want those higher-ups to have your back, so beg their forgiveness if you must and just own up to your mistake. Let them air their hurt feelings, too — and no justifying if you want them to get over it!

Friday’s lunar eclipse in Pisces (your partnership sign) rockets you into the relationship zone. Double down, Virgo! As the zodiac’s traditionalist, you’re actually into the whole couple thing. A merger could become official: anything from monogamy to marriage may be in the stars. Even single Virgos won’t escape the fairy-tale fumes. It always helps to meet the universe halfway, so if you're single, do some right-swiping. Have you been feeling lukewarm about a collaboration or business partnership? This eclipse could cue your exit to find a better fit.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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September 23 to October 22

Don't be so quick to declare the job done, Libra. Early this week, get a few second opinions. People with greater expertise may notice a few rough edges that escaped your eye. While it can be frustrating to fine-tune when you're ready to be finished, you only get once chance to make a first impression. Better you come out shining a little bit past your deadline than blow the opportunity to wow the critics at first blush.

Has “paying your dues” started to feel like an endless shift in the salt mines, Libra? Have no fear, Friday’s lunar eclipse is here. This super-powered full moon lands in your sixth house of work, bringing some much-needed upgrades at the office. Stamp your trademark on all that you do and make sure the powers-that-be are aware of your gifts and contributions. On the hunt for more gainful employment? News of a job opportunity could come this week. Strike now, while the iron is scorching. This body-loving eclipse reminds you that there are wide categories for beauty. Instead of trying to emulate an impossible standard, rock what you were born with and play it to the hilt.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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October 23 to November 21

Groupthink alert! You've never been one to "go along to get along," Scorpio, but early this week, the peer pressure could nearly push you over the edge. Before you sign on, do some project management. Will getting involved with a collaborative effort take up all your spare time? Are the duties fairly divided? Is there a realistic timeline and budget? Maybe you won't bow out of this, but you may have to hustle your squad into a more organised flow. Don't be shy about taking command!

Friday’s lunar eclipse lands in Pisces and your fashion-forward, fame-loving fifth house. Forget about flawless, Scorpio. How about being 100% original, instead? Your efforts of the past six months could catch the attention of some major influencers — or peg you as one yourself! Snap a few artsy selfies and strategically self-promote. It’s not bragging if you focus on the benefits that others will receive from your offerings. Romantically, the eclipse will speed things up big time. A simmering attraction could heat into a rip-your-clothes-off boil — or a combustible finale. Either way, there won’t be much mystery about you-know-who’s feelings after the weekend.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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November 22 to December 21

That pot of gold is shimmering at the end of the rainbow, Sagittarius. Keep it in your crosshairs, knowing that there's still a little further to go. You won't enjoy the victory if you take a shortcut, because you'll cheat yourself out of an essential lesson in the process. Roll up your sleeves and do the hard work. Influential people in your industry will be impressed by your diligence.

Sweet home, Sagittarius? There will be some intense activity under your roof this Friday, thanks to a stirring lunar eclipse in Pisces and your domestic zone. Call a house meeting to discuss the dirty-dish crisis or find the courage to give a slacker roomie his eviction notice. Maybe you just need to remember that you actually HAVE a home, not just a place to drop your suitcases between all those work engagements. Feathering your nest could become your autumn obsession. An important woman could step forward as an ally — the two of you could rock together in the days ahead!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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December 22 to January 19

You're not generally the impulsive type, Capricorn, but early this week, you could leap before you look. With go-getter Mars getting checked by the sun, that rose-coloured lens you're looking through could be blocking out a few red flags. If you're going to move ahead, be "cautiously optimistic." The situation still looks bright, but it isn't perfect. Don't let politeness prevent you from popping open the hood and asking the important questions. Find out where the flaws lie and you'll be able to negotiate a compromise. Stay in denial and you could get shafted with the short end of the stick.

Friday’s lunar eclipse in your house of kindred spirits could reveal the solid-gold potential of a cool acquaintance. You might even bestow that BFF title! If you’ve been pondering a creative collab or business partnership, this eclipse will make next steps clear. Move forward or move on: There’s no room for uncertainty after this. If you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, let the test-driving commence. Someone from your family could even gift you a car, a sound system, or mobile device — eclipses just bring those types of surprises. One caveat: Mercury IS still retrograde, never a good time to actually purchase a ride or a geeky gadget. Shop around, but if possible, wait another week or so to drive anything off the lot.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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January 20 to February 18

Lines blur early this week, Aquarius, making it hard to decipher fantasy from reality. Don't rush to make any final calls, no matter what your gut instincts advise. Situations will not be what they seem at first blush. Even if it seems like "all systems go," you'd still be wise to wait before rushing ahead with a decision. Let people know that you're interested — you don't want them to misread your signals — but before you sign on any dotted lines, inspect like a hawk and make sure there aren't any hidden costs or clauses tucked in the fine print.

Your moneymaking mojo is off the charts, thanks to Friday's lunar eclipse in Pisces and your financially golden second house. At last — that job you’ve been waiting for could open up. Keep your interview outfit pressed and ready. If it’s time to walk on a dead-end gig, this eclipse hastens your departure. It can be scary to leap like this, but sticking around in unsatisfying situations for “security” is just a soul suck. On the other end of the spectrum, make sure your savings plan is in place. You could see the need to upgrade and invest in something of lasting value. Work with a financial planner if budgeting is not your forte.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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February 19 to March 20

Goals, goals...goals? The week is off to a somewhat unproductive start as an antsy sun-Mars mashup tugs you into social and romantic distractions. Save those focused tasks until later in the workweek and make people your first priority. Those getting-to-know-you lunches and casual brainstorming meetings will be more productive than any hardcore strategy sessions. Keep talks about "the future" off the date-night table, too. This week, the magic is in the moment. Enjoying each other's company is the best insurance for the future.

On Friday, a lunar eclipse in Pisces lights up the skies! These magical moonbeams could push you into the public eye or attract some prominent attention for your accomplishments since the corresponding solar eclipse in Pisces on the 8th of March. Shameless self-promotion? Yes, please. You’ve earned your bragging rights, so don’t wait to be discovered. Open up about your grand ideas, Pisces — even if they are still in the early R & D phase. Your competitive spirit is activated, too, so jump in the ring. Pisces, FTW!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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March 21 to April 19

Second thoughts? Early this week, a clash between the confident sun and your ruler, Mars, could cause you to hit the brakes on a plan or relationship that was speeding full-steam ahead. Take time to weigh out the pros and cons. Researching options and doing your due diligence could actually help you feel more confident moving ahead. But then again, it could bring the warning shot you need to get out of a sticky situation before you get trapped!

On Friday, a lunar (full moon) eclipse in Pisces and your 12th house of completions helps you release something that’s no longer serving you. From an outmoded job to a limiting belief, give it up and you’ll gain something greater. Although change can be scary or disruptive, you’ll feel much happier once you bolt the door behind you. Eclipses accelerate change. If you refuse to let go, fate might just do the work for you. Cry, scream, break a few dishes if you must — but please, don’t go running after something you know is so wrong for you.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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April 20 to May 20

Is there still some life left in that summer fling? Early this week, a rousing connection between the sun and lusty Mars could give you reason to add something to the mix. But don't get carried off into Fantasyland. This might be a fun friends-with-benefits thing, but does this person actually have the qualities you want in an S.O.? Don't try to turn a player into a prince(ss). But by the same token, maybe you've been keeping a good one at arm's length!

On Friday, inhale the team spirit when a lunar eclipse in Pisces lights up your 11th house of community and proves that there is strength in numbers. Scrap the solo routine and get the band back together. Success is in the stars — if you pick the right collaborators, that is. Be discerning and vet people on a stricter set of criteria. You don’t want to get stuck pulling the weight for a bunch of all-style-no-substance slackers. If you can’t find your tribe in real time, hop online. A status update could connect you to a crew that shares common ground.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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May 21 to June 20

Trying to pull everything off by yourself again, Gemini? Early this week, your pride could get in the way of partnership — and just when you could use an extra set of hands. Stop acting like you have it all together when you're secretly struggling. People won't judge you for reaching out for support; in fact, doing so could strengthen an important bond. Read between the lines with your BFF or bae: If they're huffing around, acting stressed or snappy there's a good chance that you should intervene with some assistance because yeah, they're probably too proud to ask.

The workweek wraps with Friday's glowing lunar eclipse in Pisces and your 10th house of ambition and accomplishment. In the month that follows, you could lock down a prestigious career opportunity or rise through the ranks at your 9-to-5. Bye-bye, boho chic. Give the #iwokeuplikethis routine a rest and put your most professional foot forward. If you want to attract more money, dressing for success is part of the game.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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June 21 to July 22

You have the gift of gab this week, Cancer. But easy with those promises: In the flush of the moment, your mouth could write a check that your ass can't cash. Before you say yes to an enticing offer, check the obligations that are already on your calendar. Bowing out of these could damage some important bonds. Maybe you could make it all work; just let the first people you committed to have a say. Steer clear of gossipy people, too! Even if you're just listening in, getting that earful will make you an accomplice to the crime.

On Friday, the lunar (full moon) eclipse in Pisces douses you with truth serum. All your secret thoughts, opinions, bottled-up rants, and feelings could come out in an uncensored rush. Warning: This could get messy, so try to use a few filters. Nevertheless, someone’s gotta call out the neon-pink elephant in the room — and it looks like that job is yours. Make sure your passport is up-to-date: An opportunity to travel could pop up out of the blue or you could soon be hosting a visitor from another part of the globe.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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July 23 to August 22

Headstrong Leo, you wouldn't be you if you didn't have a vision. But early this week, be mindful of how much pressure you're heaping on. Your over-the-top excitement could leave people feeling an undue obligation to say yes to things. They'll probably just cancel on you later if they're not sincerely signing on. Better you should give them the time and space to think your offer through. Sit through the nail-biting suspense and you could wind up with a yes that sticks.

Friday’s lunar eclipse lights up your erotic eighth house, making a total minx out of you. Your powers of attraction could also lure the sexiest of candidates into your orbit. In an ideal world, lust and trust would always go hand in hand. But alas, they don’t. Save your final rose for people who bring both. Already attached? Schedule a private weekend to bond in the boudoir. Pillow talk could get intense, but you'll also clear the air. Some Leos could even be sporting engagement bling by the time the weekend wraps. Ready to call it quits? This eclipse will hasten your departure. Bye!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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