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Your Horoscope This Week — Sep 04 2016

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Ready for a romantic revolution? Cupid has plans — super-sized plans — and they are about to take effect. This Friday, the 9th of September, expansive Jupiter sails into Libra, the sign of peace, love, and harmony, until the 10th of October, 2017. This 13-month cycle can totally redo the way the world does love. Marriage may be more en vogue than ever, but it won't be the only box to tick. Liberated, open-minded Jupiter could add more categories to the list — and they might even include multiple partners. (This is the planet of abundance we're talking about here.) Partnerships of all manner will be blessed by Jupiter's beams. Find a complementary force and crush it, dynamic-duo style.

The weekend brings an alert to slow down, simplify, and stick to a plan. Ambitious Saturn gets T-boned by dreamy Neptune, making it easy to overextend ourselves. A meltdown moment could arrive if we have too many tabs open or say yes to a lofty goal without first running it through a practical filter. As exciting as an idea may be, don't sign up before crunching numbers, checking schedules, and figuring out what resources will truly be necessary to pull off the plan.


August 23 to September 22

Have one last swing from that chandelier, Virgo. This week brings bittersweet cosmic news, because on Friday, wild-child Jupiter will exit your sign, moving on to Libra until October 2017. You’ve hosted the red-spotted planet since August 11, 2015 — and it’s been an insane year of expansion and liberation! Yeah, you’ve had some growing pains and epic fails as you put yourself out there in the public eye (#SoWorthIt), but stay in that determined stance! You wandered outside your comfort zone and took risks — and those are about to bring rewards. As you bid Jupiter au revoir, it flows on to Libra and your grounded, financially savvy second house. A thrilling new job opportunity or a big promotion may be heading your way. If you’ve dreamed of striking out as an independent contractor, you could land a steady client who helps you pay for your rent, boot obsession, and craft cocktails. Want to start your own business or have your work published? Now’s the time to go for it! Jupiter governs higher education, so some Virgos may head back to school for a specialized degree or training that helps you command more cash. Keep on expanding while keeping your feet on solid ground.

Over the weekend, a clash between strict Saturn and no-boundaries Neptune could stir up an ongoing conflict with someone close to you. While you want to share, you also need certain things to be "all mine." Don't pretend to be cool when someone crosses the line. If you don't speak up now, the relationship could suffer. But remember that people aren't mind readers.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

Break out the bubbly! There’s major cause for celebration this week as lucky Jupiter cruises into Libra from Friday until October 10, 2017. The planet of good fortune only visits your sign every 12-and-a-half years, so yes, this is a very big deal. (For the record, the last round was from September 2004 to October 2005.) For the past year, you’ve been drifting a bit, finding it difficult to make anything click with your usual magic and “dream it, do it” manifestation capabilities. Truthfully, you needed a sabbatical — and this slower phase helped you sort through what was truly meaningful in your life. Maybe you even walked away from a relationship or career that was past its expiration date. But with Jupiter rolling back through Libraville, you're back in action mode! Hang up the athleisure and slip back into your power suit. Jupiter launches back in the game with rocket-powered force. Epic changes are ahead, ones that put your true calling at the top of your priority list. You may return to school, embark on a new career path or even relocate to a brand-new city. Or maybe it's just your attitude that will go through this seismic shift. It's time to lighten up and take some gambles again. Diving into the unknown will be a full-tilt adventure that rocks your world in amazing ways!

Although you're bubbling over with enthusiasm, don’t make promises this weekend unless you’re sure you can keep them. A clash between uptight Saturn and go-with-the-flow Neptune could make you a little too optimistic about time. If you're thinking, M aybe I can swing it, it's better to just say no. That way, no one will be disappointed — and you’ll save yourself the stress of having to apologize and make it up to them.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Ready, set...relax. It’s time for a celestial sabbatical, Scorpio — and frankly, you could use it! Free-spirited Jupiter decamps to Libra and your flowing, transitional 12th house until October 10, 2017, dialing down the social whirlwind you've been in all year. At last! You can just...chill. Maybe spend this gap year bartending at a resort or teaching ESL in Asia. No matter where you're living, turn your space into a sacred oasis. Declutter your home, start a yoga and meditation practice, do regular sessions with holistic healers (massage therapists, acupuncturists), and develop one of your mystical talents, like reading angel cards or even astrology. Creatively, you are #fire! This could be the year you get the record deal or see your paintings hung in a gallery — or at least create all the works for a debut when Jupiter lands in Scorpio for a year on October 10, 2017! If you have any mourning or emotional healing to do, dive in. While this process might not be easy work, you’ll emerge like a champion. Head’s up: You may need to make a sacrifice for someone you love in the year ahead. Find the balance between caring and codependent, or your “helpful” ways could lead to burnout. Remember this: Taking care of other people starts by taking care of yourself first.

Keep your wallet on lock this weekend! With a tangled angle between status-loving Saturn and no-limits Neptune, money could burn a hole in your pocket. If you’re going to splurge, do save the receipt. The lure of shiny things could skew your best judgment. Also, discuss the budget before joining a group plan. You don't need to blow the rent trying to keep up with the Joneses!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Send out the casting call! The Sagittarius dream team is about to emerge — and it could be comprised of people from all corners of the world. This Friday, horizon-expanding Jupiter (your ruling star) cruises into Libra and your 11th house of groups until October 10, 2017. Collaborative ventures are the way to win. With this globetrotting planet at the helm, you may have to travel to find your kindred spirits — or host your global conference calls on Google Hangouts. Outspoken Archers are often drawn to activist work and candid Jupiter could make you the mouthpiece for an important cause. (Our first female POTUS, perhaps?) Speak your truth and use social media to spread the word like wildfire. This Jupiter phase could also make you an internet (or Instagram) sensation. Got ideas for a webinar, blog, mobile app, or e-commerce site? Venturesome Jupiter could lure you down the path of those Silicon Valley superstars. If you don’t have the capital to get it off the ground, try a crowdfunding campaign. Since the red-spotted planet rules education, consider developing your own online course for some extra bank or enrolling in online university or continuing education classes to develop marketable skills.

Bring more flow to your weekend instead of trying to control everything. Strict Saturn — which is parked in Sagittarius from December 2014 to December 2017 (so sorry) — gets a wake-up call from emotional Neptune, reminding you to use heart and intuition instead of just your head. As a fire sign, you heat up quickly; in fact, anger is sometimes the first and easiest emotion you’ll experience. Instead of exploding on people, blow off steam with a workout. Then, grab your journal and go find a quiet place to write. Tap into all your feelings, including sadness and desire. A helpful GF can provide comfort and support, so meet her for brunch or a stroll through the park.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Boho living has sure been a fun experiment for the past year, Capricorn, but you're ready to trade those cutoffs for something a little more, um, professional. Good news: This Friday, Jupiter floats out of Virgo and your nomadic ninth house after a year-plus journey and zips into Libra, the ruler of your success-driven 10th house, until October 2017! Your career gets a rocket-fueled boost from this transit. Get ready to rise through the ranks of your industry and put your name back on the executive-org chart, where it belongs. A prominent — and public — role could be yours for the taking. Whether you’re headed for the executive suite of an existing company or flexing your muscles as the CEO of Capricorn, Inc., it’s time to take charge. With Jupiter’s global influence, you could travel for work or expand into international territory, too. Jupiter will be activating the masculine zone of your chart, making men the star players in your world. Forget what you heard about that glass panel hanging over your head. The ceiling can’t hold you now, Capricorn. Storm the so-called boys club and ascend!

This weekend, however, make sure you also have moments set aside for relaxation. It takes a lot of effort to be "on" all the time, Capricorn — and you certainly pressure yourself to be everyone's rock. As your ruling planet “I’ve got my shit together” Saturn gets checked by beautiful-mess Neptune, you can just be...human. Every post doesn’t have to be a promo piece; in fact, revealing your process, messy as it may be, can inspire friends, family, and coworkers to be more supportive. As you step back, you’ll see who steps up — and you may be humbled by how much you’ve underestimated some of the people in your life.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

Sweating the small stuff is so NOT the Aquarian way. But with Jupiter simmering in Virgo and your intense eighth house for over a year, you've had a hard time shaking it off. Here's some news you'll love hearing: This Friday, Jupiter is on the move, bursting into Libra and your worldly, adventurous ninth house until October 10, 2017! So...what were you all stressed or jealous about last week? Who cares? The petty bullshit just won't get to you anymore as buoyant Jupiter in Libra restores your optimism. There are too many big, bright opportunities in your future to be bothered with that. Are you ready to explore new corners of the earth? Wanderlust washes over you during this Jupiter cycle and your passport will get a workout. If you’re not literally traveling, you’ll stretch in other ways like going back to school, writing a book, or starting your own business. Long-distance and multicultural relationships percolate with promise, too. Over the coming 13 months, you could rack up some frequent flyer miles in the name of love.

Warning: Staying true to your values and commitments CAN be challenging this weekend, especially since boundary-blurring Neptune throws shade at strict Saturn, dulling your willpower. If you’re trying to form a new habit, make your social plans accordingly. Hang out with people who won’t shame you, because you’re sipping water at the club or turning in early because you want to hit that 7 a.m. Sunday yoga class. You've got nothing to prove, Aquarius. Just do you!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Make it official, Pisces! On Friday, thrill-seeking Jupiter heads into Libra and your eighth house of permabonding until October 2017. A Kimye kind of closeness is what you’re craving now — and if it comes with front-row seats at Fashion Week and Twitter TMI, well, you wouldn’t object. Put a ring on it, put some ink on it, just make sure the partnerships you enter into are exclusive, Pisces. And most of all, don’t let other people’s opinions rule over the wisdom of your heart. With Jupiter’s open-minded influence, you fall head-over-motorcycle boots for a new type. This cutie could be from a different culture, gender, or corner of the world. Attached? In the next year-plus, things could take off at a faster pace. Think: cosigning on a cute two-bedroom, getting engaged, or even making a baby. This Jupiter cycle could be a moneymaker, too, but not necessarily from a 9-to-5. You could write a song that pays you royalties, take a commission-based job, or even make a mint in the real estate market. Let your independent spirit be your guide!

This weekend, be discerning about the company you keep. Your ruling planet, open-hearted Neptune, clashes with status-obsessed Saturn. You don't want to get lumped in with snobby elitists — but you also don't need your name dragged by association with a dramatic troublemaker. And while you have no problem wearing your heart on your sleeve, this transit cautions against being too open, too soon. Get a clear read on people before you bare your soul.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

You, a hopeless romantic? Yup, it's happening, Aries. This week, envelope-pushing Jupiter launches a new 13-month cycle could earn you status as the zodiac’s #LoveWins champion and cheerleader. Until October 2017, the red-spotted planet will be parked in Libra and your seventh house of committed relationships. While you adore passion, you can still be a hard one to pin down. You’re often hesitant to dive in full-force or get caught in the net, since you need your solitary space and "me time." But Jupiter is breaking it down for you in a different way: there is freedom to be found in twosomes, too. The right person can pick up where you leave off, lend love and support, and help you double the strength of your efforts. Don’t rule out long-distance relationships or cross-cultural crushes. Liberated Jupiter helps you write your own rules and they don’t necessarily involve a white picket fence. Work the tag teams at the office, too. This Jupiter cycle could bring a killer collaboration that brings you industry cred. Lawyer up, though, because you don't want to leave the terms up to a handshake deal.

Keep the tissues handy near the weekend. Your "unbreakable" act could finally hit its limit as “never let them see you sweat” Saturn gets checked by weepy Neptune. Embrace the ugly cry or just let people see you in moments when you don't have it all together. You put so much pressure on yourself to be strong, Aries, but that's not what other people expect of you. Vulnerability makes you more endearing — the hardest part is dropping your guard. P.S.: People will be happy to let you lean on them; they just need you to give them the cue.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Slip on the yoga pants and lace up your trainers. You could soon be a permanent fixture at the gym as active Jupiter zips into Libra and your sixth house of healthy living until October 10, 2017. Your body is your soul’s address here on earth, Taurus — which is good reason to treat it like a temple. Nutrition could become your new topic of obsession as vibrant Jupiter encourages you to nourish yourself with clean, green fuel. Reconnect to your earthy nature: Your spare time could be spent going on hikes, camping, even planting an organic vegetable garden that you can pluck and eat from on-demand. Work heats up, too, as Jupiter makes you particular keen on carving out a job you love. Having some independence is a must, whether you’re venturing forth with your own business or starting up a new division at your existing gig. Try creating a position that plays to your strengths — write up a job description and present it to the powers that be. Your initiative will impress.

This weekend, a boundary-pushing mashup of Saturn in your erotic eighth house and Neptune in your experimental 11th could spawn some interesting exploration. This is the third of a trilogy of Saturn-Neptune squares. You've no doubt been "researching" since last November, but you've also learned some important lessons about trusting (or not trusting) a certain type. If the red flags show up again, bolt in the opposite direction. You don't need a repeat of that performance. On the flip-side, some positive traits could be revealed, giving you the green light to move ahead with an intimate encounter.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Where have you been hiding, Gemini? No matter — it's time to come out. This Friday, larger-than-life Jupiter bursts into Libra and your fifth house of fame until October 10, 2017. You’ve been flying under the radar for the past year, but you're ready to go public again. If you’re not literally performing or presenting, you could be pulling strings as the boss since this Jupiter cycle will give you royal status. Romantically, you’re ready to take a big gamble, maybe even putting a ring on it (or a bun in the oven) over the coming 13 months. Single? Dive back into the dating game and watch your dance card fill at warp speed. Since Jupiter is the cosmic jet setter, your amour could be from a different culture or even live in a different city. Coupled? This would be the time to take that cross-country road trip or — if you’re ready — the walk down the aisle. Adventure is an aphrodisiac!

Avoid fixating on the future this weekend and focus on making life awesome now. With worrywart Saturn and crisis-junkie Neptune in a tangled angle near, you could get yourself all worked up about basically nothing. Get the facts before you react — and ask questions instead of making assumptions. You've already learned that lesson about believing what you hear via the grapevine. If you want a straight answer, get it right from the horse's mouth. But if you don't trust that pony, ride off into the sunset with somebody else!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Give those ruby slippers three cosmic clicks. There’s no place like home for Cancer as lucky Jupiter grooves into Libra and your domestic fourth house for a 13-month stay. But the question remains: Where will you hang your fedora in the days ahead? With jet-setting Jupiter in the frame, you could pull up the stakes and relocate to a new city...or country! If you’re staying put, expect to travel often in the coming year, especially to visit close friends and family. Devise a strategy for bringing home on the road (read: get every favorite product in a travel size), so you can enjoy your creature comforts from anywhere on the globe. A home-based business could become a smashing success, too. Maybe it’s time to turn that unused corner of your apartment into an office area or rent a desk at a cool co-working space. Women will be your lucky stars with Jupiter in your feminine fourth house until October 2017. Sister acts, FTW!

Over the weekend, a challenging square between Saturn and Neptune could fire up your inner activist. You can no longer stay silent about situation that keeps repeating itself. And while you're justifiably angry, you want to deliver your message from a cool, composed, and compassionate place. Arm yourself with empirical data and a solid argument before you speak up. From this stance, you'll quickly win allies to your cause.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


July 23 to August 22

Warm up those social butterfly wings. Showboating Jupiter floats into Libra and your garrulous third house, blessing you with “life of the party” status for the coming 13 months. You won’t have to travel far to find your fix. Jupiter will be camped in your third house of local activity, bringing tons of action close to home. Making new friends will be a snap and a few kindred spirits could step forward as BFFs, festival plus-ones, or even business partners. Working the buddy system will bring you the best shot at success between now and October 2017. Are you a writer, teacher, or media-maker? You’ll be extra blessed by Jupiter in Libra’s beams. Get to work on your short story collection or children's book and you could see your work published soon. Teacher training may also call your name — a great way to pad your entertainment budget during this super-social year-plus cycle.

This weekend, you could have a little confusion about what category to file people in. Was it just a summer fling or is there potential for a fall sequel? A complicated mashup of stoic Saturn and foggy Neptune could blur those lines. Keep the rose-colored glasses in their case and ask questions if you really want to know what's up. In a relationship? Don't let paranoia take hold! Just because bae isn't stepping up to the plate like you hoped, doesn't mean he or she doesn't care. Have a talk about needs — for both of you — and you'll be able to hash out a better compromise.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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